Since I have been given the honor of being quoted please allow me to clarify my comment since, honor given aside, the comment has not been correctly understood.
Contrary to the accusation , I never said that, on the solo in question, Morgan spent too much time playing in the high register; nor, did I say what register he should be playing in. My comment was strictly a statement of fact. Morgan, great as he was, was not a great high note player and has never been considered to be one. Were one to speak to trumpet players that comment would be corroborated. That fact is no indication of the quality of his solo which was great as always. “Perfect”? A purely subjective call and I suspect that as is the case with most great artists, Morgan would be the first to say that it was not perfect. “One of the greatest solos in Jazz history”? That comment would probably piss Morgan off.
Great improvisers will often exploit their own technical shortcomings in order to create tension in the emotional content of a solo….a good thing, musically. I suspect that “strident” is exactly how he wanted to sound at the beginning of his solo when he “spent a lot of time on the high register”.
I hope that clarifies.
Contrary to the accusation , I never said that, on the solo in question, Morgan spent too much time playing in the high register; nor, did I say what register he should be playing in. My comment was strictly a statement of fact. Morgan, great as he was, was not a great high note player and has never been considered to be one. Were one to speak to trumpet players that comment would be corroborated. That fact is no indication of the quality of his solo which was great as always. “Perfect”? A purely subjective call and I suspect that as is the case with most great artists, Morgan would be the first to say that it was not perfect. “One of the greatest solos in Jazz history”? That comment would probably piss Morgan off.
Great improvisers will often exploit their own technical shortcomings in order to create tension in the emotional content of a solo….a good thing, musically. I suspect that “strident” is exactly how he wanted to sound at the beginning of his solo when he “spent a lot of time on the high register”.
I hope that clarifies.