I did not know Lee Morgan or better said i never listen to him really...
Thanks to this "discussion" i begin to listen to the 6 hours Wayne Shorter and Lee Morgan albums...
I am astonished by the musicality and craftmanship of these 2 masters...Lee Morgan is a discovery...
I just begin my second hour in extasy...
But i will be very annoyed to choose a best or a "better" trumpeter between for example , Lee Morgan, Miles Davis and Chet Baker...
We can judge an artist on many counts too numerous to enumerate, and not all listeners could perceive each one of these numerous factors by which we can judge a player anyway...
It is our natural ability, our knowledge of music, and mostly our tastes history and our sensibility coming from our brain or heart connections in some order, that determine our favored choices...
For example if we choose only 3 factors among many others:
-pure virtuosity and ability to play dynamically with all sounds potential of the instrument at the "same time",
-musical innate talent to improvise and create astounding complex musical development on the spot and without safeguard,
-Ability to create a unique timbre and more than that ability to make the instrument not only sing but spoke, in a word ability to interpret a melody..
Only for these 3 factors which trumpeter is the best?
Answer: there is no best for these 3 factors together at the same time...No trumpeter by himself beat all the other trumpeters on these 3 counts taken simultaneously...
And if i add a fourth factor completely different, ability to play with others to merge and emerge at the right time...
Who is the best trumpeter with these 4 factors?
I can add a fifth factor which would be a new one or a precise sub-part aspect of these 4....
Ad infinitum......
Myself for reason i could explained but which are of no importance to every one else here now , the trumpeter i love the most is Chet Baker...
Chet Baker is not the best or the better trumpeter there is on all counts, even me i know this; but i love him so much because of his imperfections on the first two counts, he concentrate on the third factor in a way that is unforgettable and look like or speak like no other with most of the times the slow pace of a beating heart..
Once it’s said, we keep each one of us like a personal sacred treasury our privileged relation to whom we chose....
«Imperfection is the peak»- René Char
Thanks to this "discussion" i begin to listen to the 6 hours Wayne Shorter and Lee Morgan albums...
I am astonished by the musicality and craftmanship of these 2 masters...Lee Morgan is a discovery...
I just begin my second hour in extasy...
But i will be very annoyed to choose a best or a "better" trumpeter between for example , Lee Morgan, Miles Davis and Chet Baker...
We can judge an artist on many counts too numerous to enumerate, and not all listeners could perceive each one of these numerous factors by which we can judge a player anyway...
It is our natural ability, our knowledge of music, and mostly our tastes history and our sensibility coming from our brain or heart connections in some order, that determine our favored choices...
For example if we choose only 3 factors among many others:
-pure virtuosity and ability to play dynamically with all sounds potential of the instrument at the "same time",
-musical innate talent to improvise and create astounding complex musical development on the spot and without safeguard,
-Ability to create a unique timbre and more than that ability to make the instrument not only sing but spoke, in a word ability to interpret a melody..
Only for these 3 factors which trumpeter is the best?
Answer: there is no best for these 3 factors together at the same time...No trumpeter by himself beat all the other trumpeters on these 3 counts taken simultaneously...
And if i add a fourth factor completely different, ability to play with others to merge and emerge at the right time...
Who is the best trumpeter with these 4 factors?
I can add a fifth factor which would be a new one or a precise sub-part aspect of these 4....
Ad infinitum......
Myself for reason i could explained but which are of no importance to every one else here now , the trumpeter i love the most is Chet Baker...
Chet Baker is not the best or the better trumpeter there is on all counts, even me i know this; but i love him so much because of his imperfections on the first two counts, he concentrate on the third factor in a way that is unforgettable and look like or speak like no other with most of the times the slow pace of a beating heart..
Once it’s said, we keep each one of us like a personal sacred treasury our privileged relation to whom we chose....
«Imperfection is the peak»- René Char