Jean-Luc Ponty

Just finished listening to his Cosmic Messenger cd through the de Capo i's. Wow. Whomever was the recording engineer did an amazing job with the depth and balance and presence - helped by JLP himself.

Awesome job all around.
Cosmic Messenger is a more focused, more layered continuation of Imaginary Voyage (tho the title track to that album is about as visual a musical piece as I can think of!). CM is definitely more complex and mature than Aurora - which is fine in its own rite.

@learsfool - I had forgotten that Clara was a produced musician herself, tho now I remember her cd's and how she was publicized on JLP's own website back in the 90's.

And I love how you're talking about daughters with a screenname like "learsfool". Awesome!
I had a few of his albums and saw him twice in concert but my recollections are fuzzy as to where and what. Masterful musician and talented performer. It's nice to know that others here can refresh my memory through their recollections.

All the best,
Simao, thanks for noticing about the daughters and the screen name! :)

Yeah, I think both of Clara's albums I know of were done in the mid to late 90's. Don't know if she's recorded any since - I know she still performs, but I believe mostly in Europe now. Her sister Eva is a yoga instructor, in Switzerland, I believe.

I think that Clara is on at least one of Jean Luc's albums as well - I know she used to perform with him from time to time.
This is precisely why I peruse "Music" threads here. It sends me running to parts of my collection that have sat idle far too long. When one can allow music of this quality to slowly migrate to the nether regions of the repertoire, the collection is just too damn big! Thank you for mentioning Jean Luc-Ponty.
Incantations For World Peace was the song that introduced me to JLP. Modern Time Blues is one of my "open the moonroof and turn it up" songs.