Jeff Rowland Capri preamp

Has anyone heard Jeff Rowland's new preamp, Capri, or know anything about it? It looks pretty interesting:

If no-one is familiar with this particular model, any comments on Jeff Rowland's preamps in general?

Thanks for the references Ckoffend, I stand corrected. ;-)

I would never say that the Capri is "tube-like" but maybe that's because I don't necessarily see that as a plus. I know that many seek a euphonic experience and often receive it with tubes. Many other tube users merely seek sonic accuracy and the leading tube devices provide that. In this case, the Capri is more like the second set of tube devices, providing non-euphonic accuracy, in my estimation. I hesitate to call that "tube like", given the substantial constituents of tube devices that seek euphonics. Accuracy should not mean "tube-like" or "ss-like" or "Class D-like" or "Class A-like" or "SET-like", since accuracy is it's own standard. Getting rid of the "-like" allows us to listen without the handicap of expectations.

I see that you surely understand this, given your equipment choices. I only make these comments as so many come to these discussions with an expectation of a particular euphonic quality whenever "tube" is inserted into a description. I know it's often consider a compliment, but the discussion sometimes gets wobbly when it's relied on as a descriptor.

FWIW, I use the Tel Wire power cord on my Capri with great results so far.

Again, Ckoffend's experience mirror mine so far. Great preamp for the price, but definitely not tube sounding to me in the euphonic sense.

BTW - I swore I posted this somewhere yesterday but don't see it. Can anyone explain why the phase switch is manual only and not available via remote.

I agree with your observation that Ayre gear sounds more tube like than the Capri. I have observed the exact same thing, and written about it.

Good to know that I am not the only one.
Pinkus, I agree with you about Capri not being a tube surrogate. Only its general lack of 'grain' reminds me a little of some tube designs. While I do admit that I personally prefer Capri over Ref 3 based on a few parameters that are important to me, I must stress that this is purely a matter of a narrowly defined a/b 'preference', and never one of Capri inherently 'being better' than anything else, or by extension. . . it being an 'absolute best.' G.