Jeff Rowland Synergy's sorbothane feet.

I finally bought a wonderful Jeff Rowland Synergy 1 preamplifier to drive my JRDG Model One, but the eight sorbothane feet included in the box are not the small classical sorbothane disks shown in the Synergy's manual. They are small cylinder (upper four) or half-sphere (lower four) shaped sorbothane feet, and the seller told me that they were sometimes used by JRDG at the time he bought the preamplifier.

I tested other various feet types and I verified that the Synergy's performance is extremely sensitive to them.

May someone suggest me the best feet for the Synergy? May someone please suggest me where I can buy the original feet at a cheeper price respect to the 106 Euros requested me by the JRDG italian importer?

Thank you very much for your help!


Every foot you put under any product will change the sound. There is no correct one.... Experimentation is the key...sometimes it will improve the sound, sometimes not. Most often, it will be a change that you cannot decide about. I made feet a number of years ago called Pon-Tunes. They increased the air around the instruments, increased the depth, etc....most people liked them some didn't. Its all a legitimate call.
Sorbothane pads arrived.... A very huge increase in the Synergy's performance! Now it sounds as I read in the various reviews.

Thank you for your help!
I use Mogami 2549 interconnects and industrial neoprene-jacketed power cables (2.5 mmq) for water/wet environments.

