Jena Labs

Does anyone have experienced with these speaker cables, and what should I expect?

*** I did post this last week, didn't get much responce, trying again. Thank you to the few who did reply.

I have SS equipment all Class A Krell, using Transparent Reference speaker cable today, excellent speed / great mid ,and full bass.
((( Lacking Piano / Strings ))))

I'm using Valhalla IC for Jazz and Rock/ Pop and Ridge Street Audio Silver Edition for Orchestra/ Strings

Speaker cables I tried
Siltech G5 Echo Bay (I found them a little thin on bass )
Valhalla ( Did not work at all )
Ensemble Meg good speed but lacking piano and vocals
Supra sword "Best Piano I have ever heard", lacking speed
Ridge Street Audio, Very good,** thin on mid bass/
very ,very close to what I'm looking for.( Love there IC excellent product, awsome prices )

Also anyone with experience with Harmonix HS101-SLC speaker cable ?

I'm looking for speed ,great bass extension as well as good mid bass, Strings - Piano and lush Vocals.


Thank You

Showing 1 response by ridgestreetaudio

While TG Audio and Emperical would certainly and no doubt be worth your time and effort, I would also suggest you audition our MSE Gen.II or Poiema speaker cables. Especially in light of your installing the excellent Tom Evans pre-amp into your system. With that addition, you suddenly have a new ball game which I'm guessing you're already aware of. Also, at one point, you were cosidering a different amp. I highly recommend the Berning ZH270. Killer amps! Email me and I can put you in touch with some users if you’re interested.

Kind Regards,