JL Audio f112 or f113 sub?

Any thoughts on which sub (f112 or f113) would be a better choice for mostly 2 ch stereo listening and occasional home theater. I currently have Thiel CS 3.6 speakers with Bryston 4B amp and an outlaw audio processor. I am also planning on purchasing a Thiel SCS4 centeer channel speaker. Room size: 13' wide by 20' deep with 8' ceilings. Room opens into an open kitchen and dining area. Thanks
I've also been told exactly what Soundsbeyondspecs advised. I would start with one f112. If that works,great! If not, buy another f112 as budget permits.
have you considered a thiel sub? they are designed specifically to integrate seamlessly with thiel speakers. you can do it without but if you want perfect, they have passive and active crossovers that will get you there.
Thanks for all of the responses. I am going to start with a single f112 and add another f112 at a latter date if needed.
Dal0wol, just to let you know that I too have talked with JL Audio about the F112 and F113. I wanted two subs as well and the first thing the guy asked me was in regards to room size and seating position in the room and if the speakers were on the long wall or short wall. Also, positioning two subs close to the front speakers is ideal in a two channel setup. Stage size will change and add more ambience with better balance overall. If you are buying new give them a good work out because they take a while to really break in.
Ivan (Masterlu) who owns the AudioAficionado.org site (Forum) gives good deals on both.
I just bought another sub from him myself.