Joseph Audio Perspectives (originals) - Rendition of symphony orchestras

Tossing out to those who know the JA Perspectives (originals) sound ... Currently in a conundrum about whether the Perspectives will achieve a satisfying : ) reproduction of a 'big' orchestral sound.  The kind you feel in your chest, "almost" physically as well as emotionally.  I know these are superlative speakers.  I expect they'll have a full spectrum of chops, for me the tone/timbre element is primary, and I know the imaging and sound-staging is there.  I know they're dynamic and engaging in low frequencies.  I haven't heard much about how well they can impart the bigness of an orchestra - thump of tympani, orchestral dynamics, massed strings, (etc., etc. !).  any help on this question?
They'd be driven with a Pass X-250.8, BHK250 pre, Aurender N10, Lampizator Atlantic SE ...
as per above, "for me the tone/timbre element is primary". 

I intended to mean "I know tone/timbre is one of their key attributes" ...
Not bad speakers for little dynamics. With decent electronics and room treatment you can get a reasonably accurate miniature version of what you might here in concert hall down to maybe 80 Hz. 
Everything is primary. If anything is missing then it is not an accurate portrayal. In this case the main defects would be small image size and no low bass.
However everything else can be wonderful. Fixing the two problems I mentioned would take a lot of expense and the addition of a few ungainly black boxes, additions that many will not except. So you may have an acceptable compromise. This is a personal issue. 
mijostyn -
"However everything else can be wonderful. Fixing the two problems I mentioned would take a lot of expense and the addition of a few ungainly black boxes"

Another way of saying "choose another pair of speakers"?