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Very close to purchasing a Benchmark DAC1 usb to use pc as sole source. Music is saved in apple lossless w/error correction in Itunes. Is it worth buying now (will need to buy new as these units seem to be rarely available used) or is the pace of technology changing/new products coming to market such that I should wait 6 months or so? Have to believe a number of fellow agoners are wrestling with this same issue.

Relatedly, is the DAC1 going to get me sonically where a nice CD player would (thinking of used Ayre CX-7e).

Thanks for any input.

I am wrestling with it as well, Dokosan. I think your post is timely. I am looking to upgrade my digital source, and keep going back and forth between excellent players such as the Marantz SA-7S1 and the Abbindgon AMR CD77 (my top two contenders on the CD side), versus going to PC Audio, with a top notch combination such as the Wavelength DACs or the new kid on the block, the Berkeley Alpha DAC, and a decent music server.

Of late, I am leaning toward the latter, as I read more and more testimonials as to the quality of these setups. As much as I like the idea of having my large CD collection at my fingertips, sound quality is the ultimate priority for me. I am trying to arrange some auditions, but of course there are certain logistical difficulties with this.

I appreciate your post, and do hope others will chime in with their thoughts and experiences.
I'm waiting. I'm waiting till there is a wide variety of high resolution downloads available and the hardware and software has been improved over the first generation stuff.

I don't have a problem with playing cds though, and have no desire to rip my collection to a hard drive.
Well you might consider the just released DAC1 pre. But obviously they're going to keep releasing new products every so often. I don't expect any significant advances in sound as we haven't really seen that over the past 5 or even 10 years IMO. All I really see is more refining and voicing to a particular designers tastes. You might as well go ahead and buy otherwise you'll always be waiting for the next thing.