Jupiter Copper Foil, Paper & Wax Cap Versus Jensen Cap 0.10uF 630Vdc Copper Foil Ceramic

Your advice and comments would be most helpful and appreciated.
I will need to change my current capacitors in my tube power amp as one of my current Jensen 0.1uF 630V Copper Foil, PIO, Aluminium is now a problem - caused a EL34 tube heater to glow red. I will need four new capacitors.

I am considering two possible replacements:

1. 0.1uF 600Vdc Jupiter Copper Foil, Paper & Wax Capacitor   
2. Jensen Capacitor 0.1uF 630Vdc Copper Foil Ceramic Case 

Any comments on how these compare in their sound characteristics?
I would like a cap that offers balance across all frequencies, control, richness, enticing tone, and transparency. Also ease of flow of the music.    
Thanks so much, Bob 

I think you shiuld absolutely try the Mundorfs, because you will fall in love or grow tired of them quickly. 😀
LErik is so right. Try them. For me and others they are just too forced and tilted up in the presence area. My ears could not relax with them. Others love them. If you like tilted up upper mids and highs and the perception of uber detail, then you may like these. Perhaps your system could use this presence area boost? Perhaps not? You know your current sound and what you are looking for sonically.
"Jupiter is richer sounding than Vcaps with better meat on the bones weight and body. Vcaps are more resolving and sharper leading edges. However this resolution comes with a slightly thinner sound."

I don't agree with this statement.  The Jupiter Oil Caps are way more open with much better detail in my opinion and are a better build quality again my opinion.  The Jupiter copper foil had too much emphasis on the mid-range so it gave the impression of a thicker sound more musical sound at first but the V-Cap oil was a much better all around sound.  The V-Cap copper is a level above all of the others.  I did not like the V-Cap Teflon at all.  Just not to my liking.

How did I base my opinion - I build DACs, preamps and phono stage components.  I can compare the different caps in each component since I build multiple units and compare directly by swapping them out.  No need to swap out the capacitors, just switch the units. Plus other people also hear them as I change the units and they all prefer the V-Caps.

Good luck and Happy Listening.
The Jupiter Oil Caps are way more open with much better detail in my opinion and are a better build quality again my opinion.
Thank you @bigkidz for your comments. Sorry if I am a little confused about your statement. Which Jupiter Oil caps do you mean? Are they still in production or do you mean ’bees wax’? e.g. Jupiter copper foil wax & paper.

"The Jupiter copper foil had too much emphasis on the mid-range so it gave the impression of a thicker sound more musical sound at first"
Are you meaning the The Jupiter copper foil wax & paper are thicker sound in the mid-range?
Thx , Bob


I used the Jupiter caps in varied positions in all kinds of gear (crossovers to amps) so my comments are based on use beyond one or two products. I must have upgraded and modified at least 30 DIFFERENT audio pieces with this cap...perhaps more. With all things audio the end result is often gear and system dependent. No doubt in your two pieces, your particular design and flavor, that was your experience.

However, the Jupiter copper foil cap is wonderfully balanced top to bottom with no part of the sound spectrum emphasized. This is evident when used across a wide spectrum of gear, not just one line. This is also consistent with a plethora of professional and manufacturer reviews including Humble.

As always these caps need over 200 hours of break in before judging. This is especially true of Jupiter and Vcaps.