Just purchased Wilson Maxx's. Now what ?? Amps?

If anyone could help !! I'm just getting started and have only the Wilson Maxx speakers. I'd like to start with a great stereo, but turn it into a Home thearte. Money is not the biggest deal, however the clouds are the limit. Where do I go from here??? Pre amp, amp, cables etc.????
duewey: FWIW, the last time i spoke with dave wilson, HE was using nagra electronics in his personal system. there is NOTHING bright about it, as there is with every krell product i've ever heard. but do listen for yourself to as many different components as you can put your hands on. -cfb
i still think the amp is your most important, part of the chain. i would say then preamp then the front end, then cables and power cords. if you heard them with tube research you would never leave your home. next would be cat. then jadis, bat i like as well. conrad, for ss try jeff rowland, or gryphon, or burmiester.
At The Tuscany Hotel during this year's T.H.E. Show (CES) had a pair of Halcro dm58 monoblocks hooked-up to the Wilson Maxx's. It was my favorite room. The folks in the room who were listening actually clapped after the demo. They played cd's, reel-to-reel tapes, and vinyl consisting of classical music, jazz and the Beatles. This set-up was one of the best matched systems that I heard while attending both CES and T.H.E. Show. Across the hall the Halcro dm68 were hooked-up to the high-end Revel speakers. It didn't have near the sound of the Wilson Maxx's. IMHO the Halcro dm58 monoblocks hooked-up to the Wilson Maxx's produced the kind of synergy that one could only hope for in matching components.
As always there are lots of answers. Some people like one amp, other like another amp. I heard that some of the people at Wilson use Atma-Sphere OTL amps. Now I don't know how true this is, just what I heard. You are in a good position in that you have great speakers and can build whatever you want. I wish I was in your position.
Try to obtain a pair ($8000 or so) of BEL Mark-V's. These unassuming amps are the best I've heard (the finest dynamics in the land!). My humble ARC VT-100 Mk III isn't to shabby either.