JWN Amps still in business?

HI. Trying to find the link to his site. Defaults to a server site then nothing. Tried different searches with no luck. Any assistance in how to reach him/his site would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, dave
Hi Italian

You may be in trouble with your JWN gear. If you head on over to AudioKharma there are posts/threads talking about Jim Nicolls and people who have lost money. The guy is a nice guy but I think in bad shape.

I hope things work out.
From what I surmised from that thread awhile back was that Jim either had some health issues / medical bills and or rehab of some nature that I could only speculate about causing him financial hardship.
It's rather unfortunate as Jim made some great sounding amp for a Very affordable price and my dealings with him were always positive
Hopefully he'll bounce back from whatever happened and reestablish his business but I'm not so sure