Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago.

Today is February 4th, 2025. So today marks 42 years since Karen Carpenter passed away. This is a sad time, but a very good time to listen to her most beautiful voice and look at some of your favorite pictures of Karen. Personally, I look at Karen's eyes, they melt my heart!


I was never shy of admitting I enjoyed the Carpenters and Karen’s sultry voice, vast range, and accomplished drumming.  I listen often to their well recorded songs.  However, my memory of her relationship with her brother were that is was complex, with Richard’s controlling personality making musical decisions leading in part to her insecurity and emotional problems.  Combined with emotional issues from being overweight in childhood, and drug abuse, this compounded her anorexia nervosa, with habitual restricting and drug induced vomiting which, in turn, led to her tragic death from heart failure.  What a loss from a now better understood and treatable disorder.  Her life story can be a lesson for young adults now suffering from Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders.

Here is a typical situation in 1970. Four, sixteen year old boys are cruising around in a car, and listening to the most popular radio station. "Close To You," which is number one on the charts is playing on the radio. All four boys look at each other and shake their heads, roll their eyes, and say "No." The button is switched to the second most popular station. (Remember when we had buttons?) The Carpenters are playing on both stations! And all the boys wonder what’s happening!

The boys go to their homes and turn on the radio as they go to sleep. Of course, the Carpenters are playing on the radio again. The words are interesting. The melody feels nice. There is harmony, and layers of beautiful voices. They listen.......

For some people, it took a while to appreciate the significance of the Carpenters.

Sonic Youth were big fans of Karen Carpenter; they even wrote a couple of songs for/about her....  

Her drumming abilities were world class.  Some people from her time speculate that moving her off her beloved kit to singing out front contributed to her sad downfall.  Naturally shy evidently.  There is an interview with Sheila E who is in awe of Karen's skills.  And yes that gorgeous voice...Part of my youth for sure.

WOW! I miss what could have been at what was. Karen had such a gorgeous voice and was my first female singer that really captivated me in my youth. I have to admit the arrangements by her brother played a part, but her voice, lush, clear, entrancing. I think tonight I'll be listening to them again. I too also enjoyed the fact that she could drum with the best of drummers too. Back then you didn't find many women playing any instrument maybe outside of guitars back then.