We put our Pass XA-200.5's on a few days before hand for serious listening, and let them warm up for at least an hour for unscheduled listening.
Is there a noticeable sonic difference? It's easily noticeable - our system sounds more natural and has less listener fatigue. But in all fairness - we also turn on our front end digital Meridian 800 series components.
Leaving the amplifiers on is NOT an effective method to heat your home (more so for XA but still for X series amplifiers) - electric is one of if not the most expensive methods to heat a home.
Enjoy your music, TJF.
We put our Pass XA-200.5's on a few days before hand for serious listening, and let them warm up for at least an hour for unscheduled listening.
Is there a noticeable sonic difference? It's easily noticeable - our system sounds more natural and has less listener fatigue. But in all fairness - we also turn on our front end digital Meridian 800 series components.
Leaving the amplifiers on is NOT an effective method to heat your home (more so for XA but still for X series amplifiers) - electric is one of if not the most expensive methods to heat a home.
Enjoy your music, TJF.