Kimber Select IC's

Of the Select series IC's, from copper, to hybrid copper/silver to silver, what differ them apart?
I heard they are pretty forward sounding and might be a flaw in a system very forward and vivid?
I look to get more authority/ body in the mid and a smoother top end. i use a class D amp and a ribbon speaker. A IC that puts soundstage more forward and pretty much throw the music against me would be wrong. I have heard MIT might be what i look for, but they are so expensive and it seems, there are quite often new versions out. I use Signalcable Silver Ref now. System is fully balanced (xlr).
Someone told you falascious info. The selects are neither hard, or forward. they are, quick, transparent, dynamic, and resolving, with a Mid-hallfocus I use the 1136 balanced, and KCAG
As Baggs stated; The higher in the Kimber lineup, the more transparent/resolving the cable. I've worked my way up through their line and have been using the balanced 1130's(out of my BAT VK-D5) for the past 5 years. The more transparent a cable, the more revealing it will be of other flaws(or strengths) in a system.
I'm using KS1036 and KS1136. Both very smooth, relaxed sounding. I would nor feared a bright,harsh sound with them. I have used several copper cables much more agresive than my KS. I think cable implementation is more important than the material it is made of.
hey guys what were you smoking? :) KCAG is more "silvery", resolving, detailed, etc. sometimes can be little bit edgy.. but SELECT line is different game, 1030s opens up details while being totally silky smooth. It is no way possible of harshness to entry this cable..unless its not broken in yet.