Kirmuss 'In the Groove' Ultrasonic Record Restorer - Upscale Audio Edition

Looking to get an ultrasonic disc cleaner. This one was recommended to me by an audiophile friend. Anyone here have this model? Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. I know nothing about  Ultrasonic cleaners but hear they are great. 


Let me preface this by stating I have not used a Kirmuss RCM myself. I did attend his presentation at PAF in August where he made a good case concerning his credentials and his philosophy on recovering LPs. And considering the deal he was making on his machines, I almost pulled the trigger. 

However before I committed I went online and read reviews both pro and con. I’m going to say that I was dissuaded by the reports of cartridges being fouled by some residues left on LPs. Now was it due to poor usage or something caused by the process? I don’t know and want to learn more before I made a decision. 

Happy listening. 

@rsf507 I was not disputing your post. I know nothing about Kirmuss and so I make no comment on that product. But Antinn’s Bible gives all the technical information necessary to make an informed decision in any particular case.

Personally, I am keen on 80kHz cleaning, lab grade reagents, and heroic rinsing with pure water. YMMV.

PS On re-reading my post, I can see how it might be interpreted as a favourable review of Kirmuss. My post was intended to be a favourable review of US cleaning, not Kirmuss, because I know nothing about Kirmuss. Sorry for the confusion.

Many confirmations about ultrasonic cleaning being a good method but no one offering recommendations of alternatives to Kirmuss.  I agree the price is high and the process extensive. I have never use US cleaning but I do believe it should clean thoroughly if the design is correct. I use the vacuum system from Pro-Ject and for 40 years used nothing but a dry brush. Now I wet clean even a newly bought album. I have albums that are 50+ years old that at completely silent. I think the starting point is a huge factor. Certainly the practice of usage has an influence but many albums are bad from the start. 

After doing some research an audiophile friend and I went partners on a new Degritter Mk II. We have had it for about 6 months now and are happy with it. It does make a noticeable difference with record sound quality. I’ve also found that using it helps with static electricity as I rarely use my record brush.