This has been a classic "my dad is tougher than your dad" thread.
I disagree...its about someone posting a thread stating if we disagree "go clean our ears out".It has nothing to do with my speakers are better than yours because I never went there at all..What the initial poster did IMO was tell the audio community that if we don't agree then we are wrong.It was what he said and how he said it that was offensive to me and I called him out on it...and for the record I said more than once in , the $3500-$4500 price range on the used market.No idea where this guy got I was comparing 100K speakers to his Khorns,must be a way to justify im wrong and hes right,who knows?.What I said was in the $3500-4500 price bracket which is what im thinking a nice pair of original un-moddified Khorns are worth on the used market there are lots of modern speakers at the same used market price that will surpass what he is "hereing".Im not thinned skinned, I just don't like guys spouting off stuff that really isn't true in the way he did it.