Thanks to all for your suggestions. I'll keep an eye open for a Otari. Thanks, Slartibartfast! Bob, your idea turned out to be a real good one! I fed the machine through a PS Audio 300, got rid of the measly original pc and used topclass ics. WOW, much better. The thing seemed to play louder, there were better dynamics and the grain is gone for about 70 % of it. Anybody tell me, wires and power conditioning doesn't matter? I'll laugh him out of my listening room! Thanks and happy listening, Detlof
Know anybody who mods analog r2r tape machines?
I've obtained an old REVOX/STUDER B77 MK II together with some Jazz and classical tapes at a garage sale. The sound is amazingly good with a nicely layered soundstage. However the sound is also typically old solidstate, a bit harsh and grainy. Here in its country of origin no tech is interested anymore in this old stuff and wasn't the US in the old days called the "country of infinite possibilities" to those who dreamt of leaving the old continent? Wonder if this still is so....
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