Krell Home Schooling Anyone ? Need a Tutorial...

I'm always thinking about new/better, I'm always on the hunt for more/new info and good stuff...not that I need another amp right ? Got a CJ MF2300 amongst other lessor amps and receivers...

Can anyone give me a quick intro to Krell amps ? Got time to read, schools out...
I am surprised no one has done a Krell fan site- similar to the Audio Research Database.?
I've always enjoyed the KSA 150 and 250 and MDA 300 and 500 series. They run hot and sound wonderful. Yes you might have to recap them but if you spend $2000.00 for a KSA 250 and spend $800.00 to recap it, I doubt if many amps for twice the price sound as good.
Good luck,
I have been happy for years with the "S" series amps. A little more refined than the KSA-250's with less grain and hash yet retains the realistic sound of instruments. You will pay a lot more as you go up from the KSA "S" models. A great match is the B&W 801 Matirx or N802 with a 300S IMHO. You can't go wrong, resale is quick and won't loose much $.
If you are going to purchase a Krell and price is a concern and even if price is not, purchase a KAV 2250. It has 250 watts p/Ch and and it is one of their newer and in my opinion one of thier better sounding amps. Because it is newer it is going to be more reliable and probably not in need of replacing the caps for yerars to come. I have owned many Krell amps over the years and this is one of my favorites. It is a very simple straight forward design (something that is unusual for Krell). It has a very transparrent and yet has a powerful sound. I have owned a KSA 80B, KMA160 monoblocks (USED & ReCapped),KSA 200s (USED Recapped), KSA 250(Used recapped), KRS 100 Ref Mono blocks (USED), an FPB 600 stereo amp(New), KAV2250 (Used from a friend)I have sold all my Krell but the 2250 is my favorite Krell amp, it is musical & powerful and it just sounds awesome and used for $2400.00 you cannot find a better deal. I now have PASS LABS but like the KAV 2250 over all the other Krell amps I have owned. Simple is best and it sounds better too!
Seems the KSA-200S and the KAV2250 are abt the same $, here on AG at least...
Still reading, still thinking...