I have acquired a Krell HTS 7.1 Surround Processor, that did not come with a remote. It appears that the unit can be fully set up from the front panel. I would like to know; 1. Can it be fully set up from the front panel? and 2. If it can be, is there an inexpensive universal remote that would work for volume only, which is all I really need in the remote. Thank you.
Not sure about setting it up from the front panel but Harmony remotes have the hts 7.1 in their database. Should be able to set one up to do all the commands. Good Luck Steve
My remote for the HTS7.1 was damaged but since I had bought the unit from a certified dealer, Krell sent me a new one for free. Otherwise I think it would have cost $50. I don't think you can do all the set up from the front panel. At least I couldn't.
check e-bay, these remotes aren't that difficult to find. They are small plastic wafer remotes.
If you can't find one, I have a big heavy metal Krell remote from an Audio Video Standard, but I don't know if that would even work.
I need to keep my HTS 7.1 remote. Finding a learning remote would be easy and getting somebody to program the volume only would be a piece of cake. You have a dealer you can borrow a remote from?
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