Krell....what is the difference in the .......

Model numbers? Such as KVA....KSA.....FPA.....KST....?? Is it the age (new line of products?) or different quality amp?
AAUGH! The thing is, I could go to the concert on Saturday night, as my wife would normally be willing to skip the concert, but she's gone for the weekend till Sunday afternoon, and a friend of ours is singing in the chorus so she really wants to go. Oh, well, hopefully I'll get to see you both at some future meetings; hope you enjoy this one, it should be a really good one.
Damn! I intend to be at Vinh's on Sunday, and was really looking forward to meeting you, Russ.

Anyway, do have a good time and enjoy the music!
Actually, I'm going to have to miss the meeting, I've got tickets to the NJSO Beethoven 9th that afternoon! Recorded can't compete with the real thing, you know. I hope you enjoy the VPI presentation.
The old KSA appelation was for the stereo amps, with KMA being the monoblock versions. Those were generally their top models, apart from the reference series and Audio Standard models; now those are called FPB, for Full Power Balanced. The KST version was a lower-priced, class AB series of amps which were "budget" Krells, I guess, sold in the late 80s/early 90s around the time of the KSA 80 and 150 series of amps. Don't know too much about the more recent versions, but I imagine anything with V in it was for the home theater setting, as such perhaps not quite at the level of their no-compromise stereo versions. Gotta talk with their marketing gurus about these designations to better understand them, I guess.