Yes, I now remember it. Sorry, but I needed you to remind me to bring it up.
I think that the Houston at $300 is a no brainer. For less than the cost to retube a lot of amps, you are getting the whole kit and kaboodle. I think you should do very well with it. I have never heard about issues with their products, mainly because I have never really seen that many people using them. But, they look well built from their pictures. I have even considered them myself, though I have never run into the right deal, and after I got the Granites, there is no real point. The Granites are made to a great level, and sound excellent.
I think in the end, listen to the amp first, and get your bearings. Then, if you do want to retube, let us know the direction you want to take the sound, and we can probably give better insight. Still, the person who knows the most in these situations is you.