Whoa, that is horrible news, David! I am so sorry to hear it. Is there anything we can do? Honest. I do hear a ray in your words that suggests you are improving, and I hope that is true.
Russ was also down for a while, but is now back, looking great. Hopefully, he will make this a trend, and you will follow.
Yes, keep the feet away from Threshold amps. No bare feet, and no kicking them, as they hurt either way.
I don't know much about this KT100, but think I saw a Houston amp using it. Is this possibly the amp you are considering? They made an 845 based SET that I always lusted after, but can never find on the used market. It's a Chinese company, but they seem to be OK. I know that recent ASL efforts, such as the 1009, are better than most anyone would expect.
Given you listening preferences, you may want to look into a pair of Granite monoblocks. I have a pair, and they can run just about any tube, those you listed, plus EL34 and 6L6, you can find a very wide range of sounds with it, and maybe whatever you are looking for. If you are set on a stereoblock, if the Rogue 150 sound trickles down to one of those, it may be one to think about also. I could be wrong, but it may already exist in the Model 90 - apologies for not keeping way up on these things.
Russ was also down for a while, but is now back, looking great. Hopefully, he will make this a trend, and you will follow.
Yes, keep the feet away from Threshold amps. No bare feet, and no kicking them, as they hurt either way.
I don't know much about this KT100, but think I saw a Houston amp using it. Is this possibly the amp you are considering? They made an 845 based SET that I always lusted after, but can never find on the used market. It's a Chinese company, but they seem to be OK. I know that recent ASL efforts, such as the 1009, are better than most anyone would expect.
Given you listening preferences, you may want to look into a pair of Granite monoblocks. I have a pair, and they can run just about any tube, those you listed, plus EL34 and 6L6, you can find a very wide range of sounds with it, and maybe whatever you are looking for. If you are set on a stereoblock, if the Rogue 150 sound trickles down to one of those, it may be one to think about also. I could be wrong, but it may already exist in the Model 90 - apologies for not keeping way up on these things.