Still I'd go with the Stabi S and a Stogi arm there's just something about the synergy of a Kuzma table/arm combo IMO.
If ~ $6k tables aren't too far out of line may I also throw the STST Motus DQ as another to investigate? Since I have an interest will just leave it at that :) |
The arm on the Rega is way better than what comes on the S. No need to upgrade unless you want to spend $15 K. Wally will supply shims of just about any angle. IMHO the two best tables Kuzma makes are the Ref 2 and the M. My favorite Kuzma arm is the 4 Point 9. The R has to be put on an isolation platform adding to the cost. Tables with a magnetic thrust bearing are quieter. |
Thanks! Do you have it all set up yet? How are you liking it?
Yes this is my stopping point on the P10 just the fact you can't tinker with it later, almost zero upgrade path outside of another cart or isolation tinkering. How did you like the P10 when you listened to it? The Trio is a sweet table, you will enjoy that for many years. |
The P10 is tough to beat and a great end game table. I came so close to pulling the trigger and going with this table last week. Watched every YouTube video I could find, auditioned at the local hifi dealer, etc. But...I know myself and know that I want to tinker or change things in the future such as the tonearm. Ended up ordering a Dr. Feikert Trio (Upscale Audio) and the Kuzma 4Point9, way over my budget but cant take it with me. I planned to go with the Hana Umami Red with either the P10 or any other table and this is the cart I ordered for the Feikert. Good luck with you decision. |
Yes you are correct..Not sure if that power supply regulator is necessary out of the gate but in the process of finding out.
I am not sure one is really lights out better than the other when it comes to sound, just comes down to details of what works best. Having a hard time pulling myself off the upgrade path. But I do have a dealer who will sell me the P10 and give me a years worth of trade at full value if I don't like it
Thanks for the responses guys..Yeah my issue that is holding me back right now is the Stabi offers a better upgrade path if I want to change Tonearms etc where the P10 is more closed system and you have to modify with shims for carts outside their ecosystem. Not sure that present any sonic issues, and likely could be swayed into the table that sounds best, but just don't have the chance to audition both. With that said the cart will be umami Red, no question about it. So I'd have to shim on the Rega. I like the idea of being able to change the arms etc but have only been into vinyl for about a year and half (hifi for over 25 years) so I don't figured out if I am a fiddler or set-it-and-forget-it kind of user. Don't have a ton of time so maybe set and forget if I had to choose. I do love the design of both tables with an appreciation for Kuzma a smidge more given their reputation in high end. |