Kuzma/Koetsu feedbak??

I am seriously considering the purchase of a new TT rig.  It consists of a Kuzma Stabi XL DC turntable, a matching Kuzma 4 Point 14" tonearm, and a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge.  It will be played through a Naim 500 series amp and preamp and phono stage.  The speakers are a pair of brand new Grandinote Mach 36's.  I would appreciate any and all feedback from those familiar with this equipment.
Thanks for taking the time,
@fjn04 I have to agree. I’ve had an AMG/ Rega/ SME/ Linn and the Ref2 beats everyone hands down. I have the 4 point 9 arm with Cardas Clear cable. Sounds fantastic. 

Not sure why Kuzma doesn’t get much press. Maybe because their owners just enjoy listening to them rather  than posting about them. 
I heard a WTL and really enjoyed the sound of it. Hoping to get one someday. 

I owned several Koetsu cartridges. Onyx Platinum, Coralstone Platinum and now the Coralstone Diamond Cantilever Platinum. I've not tried the Koetsu on the Kuzma 4pt tonearm although I have a Kuzma 4pt (11") but not setup yet. I've got 6 tonearms including the Kuzma and that's waiting on another turntable to be setup etc...
Anyway, 2 points:
1) I would recommend that you try the Koetsu stone body carts. Much better than than the wood bodies. Especially given your choice of TT and arm. In fact, I would urge you to try the Diamond cantilever stone bodies.
2) One of my turntable dealer friends have tried the Koetsu Coralstone on the Kuzma and says it's a good match. I don't doubt him as he truly knows turntables and owns both Walker and Kuzma.



I use a Kuzma Stabi Ref with the 2's power supply, which according to Franc, makes mine a Stabi Ref 2. I use a Stogi arm and a J Allaerts MC1 cartridge. When set up correctly, the sound is heavenly.

I also use a MS BL-91L with MS-505L arm, MS1500 with a Max-237 arm, a Nakamichi Dragon CT and my first turntable, a JVC QL-Y5F.

Of all of these which would I keep if I had to sell all but one? Hmmm.... tough ask, but I think the Kuzma wins over the MS BL-91 by a hair, over the MS-1500 by another hair and then the Nak by another hair.

The lesson is when the turntable is set up properly, most of them can sound great.

I think you are going to be one happy camper with the Kuzma.

I use the Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum with diamond cantilever on a DIY air bearing setup. Absolutely excellent - but sensitive to setup. For example, VTA changes the tonality from a bit warm (tail down) to a bit analytical (tail up). A very nice tone control!!
My Koetsu Black is around 25 years old. Re-tipped long ago by Van Den Hull. It was paired with the Zeta tonearm. Fabulous combination, but old.

I had the Kuzma 4Point (12"), now have the Kuzma 4Point 14". Greatest tonearm I've ever owned.

The Black still has that Koetsu magic. The Kuzma was a great partner.

However, now I have the ZYX Universe lll. I'll never listen to another cartridge. The Kuzma/ZYX combination is thunderous in its dynamics.
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