You mentioned invisible people, lack of education, fake news and perhaps some other stuff that I cant recall. At its core you are implying that only the chauvinists suffer from the above and certainly not your women friend who is higher up in Birkenstock. If you tell me that you dont equate certain social and political views with the above then I apologize. Oh and I love it when you express your views. What a drag to have a world that sees all things as I do. My responses dont indicate a lack of respect just a difference of opinion. If I made an inappropriate jump then I am sorry.
Dont use a 6SL7 in place of a 6SN7. Damage isnt likely but may be possible. I would probably bi-wire but for different reasons than most.
Dont use a 6SL7 in place of a 6SN7. Damage isnt likely but may be possible. I would probably bi-wire but for different reasons than most.