Lack of Female Representation

So who can explain the near lack of females in our hobby?  There are far more women discussing football than audio, by a long shot.  There are a lot more women into fixing up their cars as well.  I just can’t think of a hobby, other than ours, where representation is so close to zero.
You mentioned invisible people, lack of education, fake news and perhaps some other stuff that I cant recall. At its core you are implying that only the chauvinists suffer from the above and certainly not your women friend who is higher up in Birkenstock. If you tell me that you dont equate certain social and political views with the above then I apologize. Oh and I love it when you express your views. What a drag to have a world that sees all things as I do. My responses dont indicate a lack of respect just a difference of opinion. If I made an inappropriate jump then I am sorry. 

Dont use a 6SL7 in place of a 6SN7. Damage isnt likely but may be possible. I would probably bi-wire but for different reasons than most.
All I'm asking for is representative balance. Men have just as important things to say about women's issues as women do about men's issues. 
To stack things so as to eliminate other POVs and the groups directly affected is a joke and will achieve nothing and ensure that nothing is accomplished that would benefit the wrongly affected.

All the best,
But the problem is that the experts invited will mirror the inclinations of the party connected and the special interests therein. I dont think the results would change. 
Depends on the panel and the experts who participate, which is why you'd need as broad a consensus as possible, staying within sane constraints.

All the best,
My wife has a different ear than I do, I have a different sense of rhythm than she does, she has a different affinity for lyrics, I have a different understanding of context. There are things we value in each other's taste and knowledge. None of this is because I am a man or she is a woman, but because we are different people with different upbringings, experiences and personalities. I watched my engineer father berate my musician mother my whole life, and I don't raise my son to speak to or of anyone that way. I would love to say humans are well beyond the need to generalize and assign each other stereotypes based on gender or race, but when reading through this thread and a few others, I see there probably wont be much advancement until those mentalities who refuse to evolve simply expire.