Lamm LP2 and WE417A tubes

I recently purchased one of these and it really is a world class phono stage. Over the years I've had both Pass ONO units, the CJ pr15, an earlier version Aesthetix IO, and lots of lesser units. It is by far the best sounding with the possible exception of the IO.

I was suprised to find Raytheon 5842's in after reading the claim on their website:

Its unique circuitry utilizes specially selected very low noise high trans-conductance Western Electric 417A / 5842 vacuum tubes.

When I asked them about this they said that the dash between 417A and 5842 means "or." They told me that the WE tubes are too expensive and hard to get so they use the Raytheon. In my opinion this is being deceptive since WE also stamped their tubes with 5842 and Lamm invokes the WE name with no intention of ever using the tubes.

So now I sit here and wonder if I'm missing something by not getting some real WE 417A's to try, but I don't want to spend that kind of money if it doesn't change things for the better.

Has anyone tried real Western Electric tubes in it?
My unit is an early-production one (comparatively, anyway) and uses the WE 417As. The sound is excellent, this indeed is a top-class phono stage. I have no idea how it would sound with the Rayethons, though I'd expect it's a matter of personal taste rather than one type being "better" than the other; however, I'll check tonight, I may have a couple of spare WE417s at home. in which case I could lend them to you to try out, if you'd like.
I use a LP2, too, and I would be interested in these NOS results, too.
I think, too, that this is a outstanding good unit ( even with stock tubes ), it outperformed lots I compared easily.
I did tube rolling with my Aesthetix and the result is fine, but changing alone is not the secret, you need the right tubes. At the moment I have a Lamm LL2 here, fitted with NOS Mullards, never listened to it with stock tubes, and I am deeply impressed from it and from Lamm in general.
Herman, you are quite correct in your observation. The mentioning of the Western Electric tube was kind of semi-fraudulent, as Lamm never used the 417’s. Probably because Lamm believes that the WE name sound “sexy” for the audio propagandas, so he dropped this "flashy" audio title. With the same result Lamm could name Thomas Alva Edison as a co-created of his phono-preamp.

The Rcprince comment are not accurate: the LP2 never was produced with 417A, would it be early or late production. Probably he bought it used the previous owner placed the 417A tubes in the unit. BTW, the replacement the tubes from 5842 to the 417A is quite questionable procedure as it creates a lot of own” issues”. Generally, I feel, this phonostage does not worth to do any re-tubing or any further experiments as it is not really serious RIAA corrector. There was an article about it at

You might find it worth to read.
The correct article location is:
I read the article and could not disagree more. Despite the misleading statements about the WE tubes, this unit never fails to bring out the best in my system. I think it sounds wonderful.