Lamm ML2 Vs Tenor 75

I have listened to both amps in different environments and have enjoyed both immensely but have never had the opportunity to A/B them. Are the performance differences between them so small that comparisons are pointless or are there real distinctions worth noting?
Well, as a person who ultimately familiar with both amplifiers I sincerely suggest you to look in the Tenor direction. Compare to the Tenor Lamm’s SET has two major disadvantages that really put Lamms out of the game:

1) Absent on the contemporary market a loudspeaker that would qualify to be driver by ML2 and that would be able to utilize even on 50% the ML2’s capacities. Trust me, when people drive their fanny 89-95 dB sensitive speakers with ML2 they just satisfier their egomania to own $30K amplifier and as a result, they do not take advantage what ML2 is capable to offers.
2) Absent among the majority of the “people doing audio” the individuals who were capable to form a noble enough demands in audio and, as a result, their incapacity to discriminate audio result. Pay attention, you are asking this question at the forum that has a Musical section. Go there, read the context of the posts and you will have a clear picture about the “individuals” and “thinking” you deal around. If you find that what you read there stimulates you then defiantly go for the Tenor.

I hope this will help,
Romy the Cat
Romy is not only ultimate, but seriously intimate.

You're far to obtuse to choose Lamm.

All speakers pale in comparison to Avantgarde.

This forum has a musical section, the content of which is musically infantile and not worthy of erudite Russion interest. It is laughable.

By your mere inquiry on this feeble site, you're doomed to make make untintelligent decisions because, well, you're unintelligent.

Due to above, Romy farts in your (our) general direction, and feels much better about himself.

On safety ...

I listened extensively to Tenor/Kharma and Lamm/Kharma in a controlled environment. I chose Tenor despite my own conerns about OTL safety. It seems one of the output tubes in one of my Tenors was, unbeknownst to me, damaged in shipment. As a result, shortly after setting up my system, the damaged tube arced or something (blue flash, loud pop, very scary). No damage whatsoever resulted to my Kharmas. After getting replacement tubes, the sound is magic.
I second Txlef. I have gone through 8 amps
in the last couple years and stopped with the
Tenor 75's in combination with Verity Parsifals.
I have a grin everytime I turn them on. These
amps are used between 8 to 14hrs every day with
no problems.