first part is right...
The natural sound of an instrument is there nevermind the any room an instrument have a dynamic, a timbre a color, RELATIVELY different and linked to the location of the listener and to the geometry, topology and acoustical content of the room.......
While acoustics are important, a real instrument no matter what acoustic environment it is played in, is easily identifiable as a real instrument.
But sorry, the second part is meaningless... it is acoustic properties of the system/ room that give to the sound, dynamic more or less, and timbre more or less and all other acoustical experience factors...This is science and called psycho-acoustic science and physical acoustic science...
it is the reason why it matter the most to adapt the system and the room acoustically... A guitar will not sound the same in a bad or in a good room...Same thing is true for an audio system and way more huge...An audio system will tremendously change his character in a room which is optimally controlled acoustically and in a bad room .... It is EVIDENT fact...
Acoustics can’t create dynamics, timbre, leading edge, inner detail, bandwidth or fidelity.
the last part of your post means nothing , it is a common place fact: a good musician can play on a bad piano and make it less worst so what?
i think you dont have a clue about acoustic and his relation to psycho-acoustic power sorry....You are not alone...
Most people think they listen to their dac or speakers or amplifier not knoweing how the room affect hugely what they hear......