Leads on mid-1960's Siemens NOS CCa 6922 tubes

I read that the Siemans CCa 6922 tubes are THE tubes to have in my DK amp. I've poked around the web and have found some but at some steep-to-insane prices. ($350.OO per tube seems nuts to me)I dunno, you guys tell me, what's "reasonable" and where can I buy them? I prefer NOS. Wishful thinking? Newbee at this stereo stuff. Thanks guys!
I tried the late 60's CCa in my DK (this is different that the early 60's CCa) and some other NOS and newer tubes. Myself as well as others that have heard all the tubes in mine prefer the JJ (ABout $20). This whole process took several months. Email me if you would like to borrow some of these for tryout.
These should provide a similar sound at much less cost. They were recommended by Chris Johnson at Partsconnexion:

Be very careful about these tubes. I've purchased three pair that went bad within weeks. They became highly microphonic, and two pair popped/crackled. Two were from a very reputable dealer, who afterwards decided that his entire batch must be bad. The first pair came from an Audiogon seller who has a lot of very good feedback. He refunded only 1/4 of my money. Sorry to rain on your parade, but you should know the pitfalls of the NOS tube market before venturing down that path. Be clear, I'm a big proponent of NOS tubes. You just have to know what you're buying, and from whom.
Thank you one and all. I have some angles to think about and avenues for more researching. You "goners" are f_cking too cool. What goes round....!