Leads on mid-1960's Siemens NOS CCa 6922 tubes

I read that the Siemans CCa 6922 tubes are THE tubes to have in my DK amp. I've poked around the web and have found some but at some steep-to-insane prices. ($350.OO per tube seems nuts to me)I dunno, you guys tell me, what's "reasonable" and where can I buy them? I prefer NOS. Wishful thinking? Newbee at this stereo stuff. Thanks guys!
These should provide a similar sound at much less cost. They were recommended by Chris Johnson at Partsconnexion:

Be very careful about these tubes. I've purchased three pair that went bad within weeks. They became highly microphonic, and two pair popped/crackled. Two were from a very reputable dealer, who afterwards decided that his entire batch must be bad. The first pair came from an Audiogon seller who has a lot of very good feedback. He refunded only 1/4 of my money. Sorry to rain on your parade, but you should know the pitfalls of the NOS tube market before venturing down that path. Be clear, I'm a big proponent of NOS tubes. You just have to know what you're buying, and from whom.
Thank you one and all. I have some angles to think about and avenues for more researching. You "goners" are f_cking too cool. What goes round....!