Led Zeppelin in Hi-rez

I have just purchased the three first Led Zeppelin Deluxe Edition albums in Hi-rez (96 KHz/24 bit) from HDTracks and just love them all. I had purchased the 6 first Led Zep albums in the 1994 CD remastered format, which were much better than the first original CD versions. The hi-rez version are better than the 1994 versions.

These new Hi-rez versions have been remastered again to provide the latest technology advances in digital equipment. How do they sound? Just great. Lower background noise, increased low-level resolution and extended bass. There are a lot of additionnal material which varies in interest. The first LZ album has the most interesting additional material (Live recordings in Paris).

Are these versions on par with the latest recording quality? No, but we have to remember that they recorded the 3 first albums between 1968 and 1970. So these hi-rez version do not have the dynamics and transient response of today's recordings, but they are the best digital mastered version available today and worth all the money. I have a Whole Lotta Love for these :-)
I also purchased the 24/96 Hi-Rez versions of Led Zeppelin 1 and 2 from HD Tracks. I agree with Dasign, these versions are probably as good as they are ever going to get. Certainly better than anything else I have heard so far.
Sorry. I had to laugh at your post. "...Are these versions on par with the latest recording quality? No, but we have to remember that they recorded the 3 first albums between 1968 and 1970. So these hi-rez version do not have the dynamics and transient response of today's recordings..."----Today's rock recordings mostly suck big time. Dynamics? There aren't any in modern rock recordings. You do know what compression is right? In fact many of the older recordings from the late 60's, early 70"s have far better dynamics than today's recordings. That being said, technology has improved digitally so these may be better in other ways. So are they dynamically compressed due to being overly loud?

Agreed that today's run of the mill rock recording quality are most of time very disappointing. However, there are some artists like Smashing Pumpkins (Melloncollie and Infinite Sadness), Dead can Dance (Spiritchaser) and Riverside (Rapid Eye Movement), that take good care of their recordig quality. My point was that the best disc mastering technology available in the 70's will in general not sound as good as the best mastering technology available today.
My point was that most of today's modern rock recordings are anything but dynamic.