Legacy Audio AERIS: RMAF/listening impressions?

I made a trip to Legacy this past week to hear this speaker in a non-show environment which would also afford more time to listen and hear music that I took with me. I don't see alot in the way of RMAF postings here as yet and would like to hear people's impressions of this speaker as I thought it an amazing speaker with huge potential. I've started a section on my system thread for anyone that wants to add material or please put your thoughts and impressions here. Thanks!
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I just heard these at CAS. The sound was amazing. Talking with James at Legacy, he informed me that the sound is largely due to the new DSP unit being able to dial in to your room. Of course, the rest of the speakers and electronics are paramount, but being able to adjust them to your room is key. My impression anyway. I'm only trying to decide on a finish myself before ordering. I won't be listening through the marvelous Plinius amps that I heard at CAS, but the sound should still not disappoint.
The Aeris certainly looks impressive and the TAS review by Cordesman is as high a rave as I have read. I agree that DSP as Legacy implements it is the way of the future.

How is the Aeris in terms of internal construction? A big cabinet like that has to be well braced to not resonate.
I heard these at the Cal Audio Show (CAS) too and IMHO they were the best sounding large speakers on hand.
I've seen most of the internal structure of the AERIS while at Legacy this past Spring and they are built like all the other Legacy's I've owned as well as those (like Whisper and Helix) that I've seen in person; extremely strong construction, internal bracing, etc....there is no evidence of cabinet resonance affecting the sound or any other side effect of the large cabinet. In short, they are built beautifully and extremely strong.
I placed the order for the XD, I also got some Vcaps from Chris for the Bypass on the Tweeter and Upgraded all the internal Wiring to Solid Copper Core Cables and Solid Silver for the AMT Tweeters that are using the Vcaps. Waiting for delivery its a long way to the Asia. I will run this with Atma MA2 OTL Amplifiers.