Legacy Audio Stuff

Does anyone have any experience with Legacy Audio products? I'm curious because they are made in the city that I have recently moved to.
Well, I have quite the opposite opinion than most. I have had several of the Legacy products, and currently have Focus mains and Silver Screen center, being fed by Levinson and Classe elecronics. I have found no other speaker that has the midrange accuracy and tonal purity that the Focus have. I have listened intently to a lot of speakers, always looking for something that I like better and have found nothing that I want to lay down more $$$ for. This weekend I had the opportunity to spend several hours auditioning the Nautilus 801, and I took away the same opinion that I have the big Thiels, Avalons, Genesis, Von Schweikert (not even in the same league) and Magnepan MG 20s, great speakers but don't have the tonal accuracy and midrange clarity that my Focus have. The Watt/Puppy's are stellar in comparison to most, but did not blow the Focus away, and needed the Wow subwoofer to compete in the bass department, which puts them in the $25,000 category. I still want to listen to the Eggleston Andra's, Dunlavy V and VI's, and Avalon Eidelons to compare. One speaker, also a small relatively unknown, Wisdom Audio, has a great sounding speaker, for a (large room) but is a three piece design that really needs bi or even tri-amped with big solid state amps. They also run $25,000 but for that they will deliver and set them up at your place. Back to the Focus, the soundstage is a little small, compared to some, in terms of height, but have all the depth and extension beyond the speakers that the recording should have. The bass is not at all muddy, unless the room can't support it (i.e. flimsy walls and floors) or the amp isn't able to handle the EMF. The workmanship is better on their Classic and Signature III lines in my opinion than on the Focus, which has always bothered me a little. I bought the Steradian after owning them for several years and can say that it may clean up the upper bass a little, but definitely not worth $1295, I paid only $795 since I had purchased the Focus from them. I haven't had the opportunity to listen to the Whispers since they were just prototypes, but have a hard time justifying that kind of $$ unless they are worth the extra $$ in sound, in this case over $7000 more. I haven't found a speaker in the $5000 category that is their equal, but I'm always on the look out for them. If you live in Springfield, go and talk with Bill Duddleston and audition them. Since you live there I'm sure he would let you audition them in your home, and see for yourself. Like any piece of equipment, only your ears can tell you if you like it or not. Then let us know what you think.
To those who checked in expressing their joy of owning Legacy speakers, I say wonderful! It's great you love what yoy have. Never let anyone say you're wrong. In my experience, I have been disappointed by Legacy. I once auditioned a used pair. They didn't do anything for me, so I passed. Almost 10 years later, I attended one of their "auditions" in Allentown, PA. A gala event, with many in attendance. Great food, wine, people, etc. Again, I felt nothing. Again, I passed. On the way home, I stopped off at the Stereo Trading Outlet, bought the speakers I auditioned a week before, and have been living in paradise ever since. I'd been looking for(and auditioning) speakers for a LONG time. I really wanted to love Legacy, but perhaps like Carver, they sounded better on paper than in reality.
Legacy is as good as it gets! I heard "classic's" with Vac avatar (another product bashed by "quasy-audiophiles")tube integrated. You are wasting your time listening anybody's "advice", especialy i8f you have an oportunity, yo hear it yourself.
Hey Trelja, could you drop me an email. I'd like to compare some notes with you. Sean >