
Responses from jpcmrc

speaker upgrade fever
Legacy Focus SEs. Check them out.  
Audio racks that can handle heavy components
One of my Steve Blinn racks is supporting a 150 pound (approximately) BAT VK-600SE power amp and looking good doing it with 2 inch thick maple shelf supported by a beautiful, extruded aluminum structure.  
Audio racks that can handle heavy components
Stay away from Boltz.  I ordered some CD racks 9 months ago and they never delivered.  Ended up cancelling order and going elsewhere. I had previously ordered numerous products from them. I have some great amp and stereo equipment racks from Steve... 
Legacy Audio Focus SE and rivals
Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow!          
Legacy Audio Focus SE and rivals
Yes sir!  I've had the system for years and bought the speakers directly from Bill Dudleston at the Legacy factory; also have another system with Focus 1037 Be speakers and an associated subwoofer. At 70 the brain sometimes wonders. I love both sy... 
Legacy Audio Stuff
Thanks, I appreciate your response. No I was responding to csmgolf.  
Top 10 Live Albums
Lots of incredible music noted here.  It's nice to know that there's lots of people paying attention to this stuff!!!!  
What contributes most to a change in how an amplifier sounds?
BTW: I love BAT equipment for preamps and power amps. Both tube and solid state. I think Victor Khomenko knows what he is talking about.  
What contributes most to a change in how an amplifier sounds?
I agree with those identifying the listening environment. It is critical factor that greatly affects sound quality. Obviously, the quality of the equipment, interconnects, power cords, speaker wiring, quality of AC power, conditioners, etc., all h... 
Will Accuphase E-800 be enough to power Klipsch La Scala speakers?
My first real speakers were Klipsch La Scala's that I bought in 1973 when I was still in high school! They are probably one of the most efficient speakers ever built. It doesn't take much to drive them at exceptionally high levels. My first system... 
Legacy Audio Stuff
I'm sorry I didn't notice that the comments were old. Get a life.  
Legacy Audio Stuff
Hey, I'm turning 70 12/31/24 so 24 years ago is fairly recent for me!  
Legacy Audio Stuff
Time is irrelevant in this hobby! I stand by my response!  
Legacy Audio Stuff
Not sure what planet some of you are from but my Legacy Focus SE speakers are incredible. I have met Bill Duddleston and I believe he is one of the greatest speaker designers ever.  Paired with good equipment these speakers are incredible. I am dr... 
Legacy Audio Focus SE and rivals
I have been listening to my Focal SEs for years driven by a BAT 600SE power amp and BAT VK-31SE preamp fed by an Ayre CD player and a VPI Classic turntable. As long as you pair them with quality equipment you will be totally blown away with the so...