Levinson 380S or Hovland 100?

I've recently migrated from primarily HT to 2-channel. I just added a Sony 777ES SACD player to my system, which consists of Aerial 7B's driven by an EAD Powermaster 2000 amp (400 watts/ch). Interconnects are Harmonic Tech Pro Silway MkII.

While I still enjoy HT, 2-channel is now taking up 90% of my time and interest. Now I must find a preamp to go with the SACD player. I've never owned tube gear, but have read tons of reviews and opinions regarding it's unique sound. Here's my question. . .

In the $6,000-$7,000 price range, what are your opinions and suggestions? I'm leaning toward the Levinson 380S. I feel comfortable with the fact that it's SS and I am familiar with the Levinson reputation for quality. Is this unit in the same league with the preamps mentioned in the previous "Hovland-pre thread?

I just read the Stereophile review on the CJ 17LS, and this could be in the running as well. Again, I'm inexperienced in the tube world, and don't want to be a slave to maintenance, tube replacement and such. Or are today's units virtually maintenance free?

Any first-hand info and opinions will be greatly appreciated. I love my SACD player, and want to be sure I'm getting the very best out of it I can.



May I ask which Levinson you wound up with? With all your experience, you must have had a particular reason for going with the Levinson.
Check out Convergent Audio tech. Ultimate Preamp. I have had it for a year, a great preamp..
i tink there's a 380s here on a-gon for ~$3.5k. but i *know there's a melos ma-333r yust put up here for $1900. *that's* the pre *i'd* buy... amazing dynamics, as accurate & detailed as the best solid-state, but still has the soundstage depth & warmth of tubes. w/output impedance of 15 ohms, (30 ohms in balanced config.), it'll drive any amp, & there's absolutely *no* toob-rush noise.

good luck, doug

Thanks, Doug. Someone else suggested a Melos also. I'm not familiar with this brand since I don't recall reading any articles or reviews. I'll do a little research and see what I come up with.

In my mind I've been going back and forth between the BAT VK50SE and the Levinson 380S. Both cost more than I truly want to spend. Then there's the SS vs tube thing.

There's even the possiblity of getting a new EAD Signature 8-channel processor with the new 8-channel analog bypass. It depends on EAD's implementation of the bypass. Their current processors sound very good even without the bypass. Trying to combine 2-channel & HT, this would be the most elegant solution.

I wish there was a way to audition these things in order to make an informed decision.

Thanks to all who have offered suggestions. All of them are still under consideration.

ken, to get some negative info on the melos, check out the little *spat* i had w/leafs on the "Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?" thread here... ;~) as discussed in the thread, melos - the company - *did* have enuff serious problems to cause 'em to go under... leafs obviously prefers the rogue preamps, tho i doubt he's ever heard a melos. there was yust posted to the a-gon classifieds a rogue 99 pre for $1450 if yure innerested - i'd still go w/the melos. :>)

regards, doug