Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
I always have my speaker cables and power cords lifted off the floor. Yes, it does make a sonic difference and one doesn't need to spend a fortune on fancy devices to obtain that goal, however, I'll admit that some of those cable lifting devices do look very elegant!

My only complaint regarding suspending cables from the cealing is depending on the location of the room it might be difficult to accomplish, degrades the look of the room and usually will not meet the wifes expectations.
BTW; I've used wood blocks, wood blocks with a large V cut into the top and the cable supported by a large heavy duty rubber band, porcelain cable insulators, and acrylic lifters. 
They all worked and I could not tell the difference based upon music other then the music sounded better with the cables on some type of lifter.
My experience has been yes for interconnects; haven't noticed much difference with speaker cables, but the risers do keep them much tidier.  I ran my interconnects under my floor and suspended them as Geoffkait mentions from the basement ceiling (we used rubber bands and a silicone gel), it did make quite a difference in sound quality (especially in smearing of images) vs. having them on the floor.  I don't think you need to spend a fortune on the things, but they can help.
My recollection about the rationale for lifters is some claim carpet the cable rests on acts like additional dielectric and alters the (capacitance?) properties of the cable. Others claim a vibration isolation benefit. Before spending $ on those ceramic lifters, why not experiment with DIY? Find out if you hear a benefit. I opted to go with some 4" solid wood cubes under my cabliing. Figured it couldn’t hurt. Did it make a difference? Not huge, though I do recall a few days after making the change thinking the system sounded clearer. Had actually forgotten I’d lifted the wiring. I’d call any improvement, real or imagined, subtle, however. See link here: