Will it work well on speakers that are 87 db efficient like Soundlab speakers and other ESL's? I say this assuming the amps are very powerful and the spec criteria mentioned by the poster are meet by the source unit and amps.
I don't see why not, but I'll let George address this. I thought I recalled a conversation where the Lightspeed was being used in a system with Maggies.
However, my own personal opinion would be that the amp driving the speakers and the synergy between the two would be the more appropriate matching criteria when determining this since the spec criteria (source output voltage and output impedance/amp input impedance and sensitivity) is met.
Last, this LS volume pot has no sound of it's own so I assume you hear the amp speaker combo and it's particular sonic signature and synergy? If so, an active preamp may well act like the hub or heart of a system bringing everything together the way the owner likes. Perhaps the speaker/amp synergy is just a little shy of perfect to the owners ears, thus the active pre is the crowning jewel or the cherry on top.
As I said previously, an active preamp is a tone control, or in some systems a band aid.