What I understood from George's comments based on his experience was that bipolar designed circuits would not typically have a 100k input impedance and many examples of this design had less than the 47k ohm the LSA requires, in some cases significantly less.
Could it be possible to design a circuit using bipolar transistors that is an exception? Obviously the answer is yes assuming the Samson specs are accurate and I have no reason to believe they are not. I'm basically accepting the designers statements at face value since I don't have the amp myself to take a measurement and lack the necessary experience to refute the claim.
In somewhat of an analogy Roger Modjeski wrote an application for an EL-84 circuit that gets at least twice as much power than others have been able to achieve using the standard circuits published in books. So perhaps this is a new twist on a standard design that allows for a higher than normal input impedance. The only people who can actually tell us are the designer or an owner who has the ability take a proper measurement. Personally its hardly worth the trouble. |
Who cried "foul"??? All that was questioned was the the load the Lightspeed Attenuator was seeing into the Samson amp to see if it was working at it's optimum, it is you have tured it into something else.
Cheers George |
Clio09 is certainly most open minded and fair. Pubul57 has also been fair. I suppose the builder is the one I was thinking about. I was careful in my post not to point the finger at all. Good little preamp and has gone head to head and won some impressive battles against great preamps.
I think my post does reflect truth based on reading this thread. I just wanted to bring out a concern and understand not all are quick to cry "foul" when the Lspeed is not champion.
I have read about the conditions that must be met and when they are and the Lspeed shows well, but does not win, the comments about bad synergy still come.
George, you still question the input impedance on the Samson amp and still say NO. Oh well. My point exactly. |
Clio09 mentioned that "Paul Weitzel told me he does not like FETs or MOSFET" so all I said was "being the Samson is all solid state, that if it's not fet or mosfet input it would have to be bipolar", and any tech will tell you that it's highly unlikely to be 100k input impedance with bi-polars on the input stage. Look at any bipolar input amp, most are below 47k usually 10k to 30k, as dc offset problem arise if higher than this with an open circuit input. Cheers George |
Who dismissed Knghfi's observation? But asking whether or not there was a good impedance match is a valid question given the problems any unbuffered passive would have without a good impedance match (and short cables, and high sensitivity amps for best perfromance). Not sure any one suggested that he does not prefer his VAC to the LSA, it is one of the finest tube linestages available, so why doubt it? The fact that someone accustomed to such a high quality linestage would be willing to use the LSA on hot months, speaks well enough for the LSA in my view. What I would say is that for $450, anyone following this thread should give the thing a try and decide for themselves, but I certainly respect any listener's preferences and observations. |
This is OK right? The Lightspeed is also a good preamp, but won’t win every a/b shootout right?
Your thoughts? Of course it's okay and I wouldn't expect it to win every shootout. The fact it can favorably compete with preamps that cost at a minimum 10x as much and in Knghifi's case significantly more is an extremely positive statement all by itself. Let's not forget that it beat out some great preamps too. Just for the record, it's been stated numerous times in this thread that certain conditions must exist in order for the LSA to work optimally. I don't see any harm in questioning whether those conditions existed. It's critical to ensuring the LSA was evaluated properly. Assuming it was, and both Knghifi and I both verified as much by indicating the proper specs for the amp, then you're right, it comes down to preference. |
I have one comment or concern that I see in this otherwise great thread. It seems when one person has a different experience or opinion on this preamp their comments are dismissed and marginalized very quickly by some.
The reason must be system match or how the amp was made etc…but rarely is it simply accepted that another actually preferred the other preamp in a side by side test.
I can tell you the Samson amps by TRL do have the input impedance spec mentioned already. I can tell you I tried the Lightspeed with Atmasphere Ma1’s that have an input impedance of 100K ohms. My comments match those of Knghifi very closely. Our fine tube units simply performed better to our ears with no other reason than our own ears and likes.
This is OK right? The Lightspeed is also a good preamp, but won’t win every a/b shootout right?
Your thoughts? |
Hi Guys, My Lightspeed was delivered today and it looks well made. I've fired it up but it's too early for any critical listening. So far, it sounds very good! |
Steve builds quality products at great prices. I'd be surprised if you could hear a difference using his input selector. He uses quality parts and backs it up with a 30 day trial (stock units, not custom orders).
I was pleasantly surprised with the interconnects. I've tried one of his phono stages in the past as well and would love to try his speakers some day. I'm not the best customer he has, far from it in fact, but if I call and talk to him he will spend whatever time he has to with me. Great person to deal with. Tell him what you're going to use the input selector for and he'll shoot straight with you. |
As for having my own Lightspeed Attenuator forum Tsciame, it would be nice, but I would have to maintain it, moderate it as well, and I'm flat out building them, it's nice when I have a break in orders to go down and have a surf at the beach come back refreshed and get stuck into it again. A smart man would sell it all off to someone in China, then one could surf all day, but then who said surfers were smart?
Cheers George |
Banquo363 This warm up period with vinyl, it's probably cold/stiff cartridge suspension to start as they are made of rubber then it get's more malleable as it's used this could be the reason.
Cheers George |
You can get them pretty cheap, but if you're concerned about sound degradation Decware makes one for $119. Thanks, Clio. I might just go ahead and get that Decware, as my wife likes to use the system to watch her Korean dramas :). The IC's look promising as well. Also, are you suggesting that the Decware would not lead to any degradation or that it would tend to minimize it, given its quality? I don't know anything about how switchers work. regards. |
If you think this thread is long in the tooth go over to the one on DIYAudio. It makes this one read like a short story. |
Hey George,
Have you ever thought of setting up your own forum. After all this thread is getting real long in the tooth and one input does not a preamp make, even if it is the best ever.
Cheers Tony |
It may be friendlier than tubes, but one weakness of the LSA is its one input design. I understand and appreciate the argument that more inputs would be sonically compromising, but if I didn't primarily use my turntable, I would find constantly switching interconnects a serious pain. Like you I also play a lot of vinyl, but do listen to CDs and on occasion my tuner and reel tape deck. At first changing the ICs was inconvenient, but I got used to it. I had done some research on input switchers. You can get them pretty cheap, but if you're concerned about sound degradation Decware makes one for $119: http://www.decware.com/newsite/rotary.htmThis has 6 switchable inputs. You could probably get them to make you one with less. Steve is pretty flexible. I know, another set of interconnects. Well the Decware ICs are fabulous for the price. All told you'd be out less than $300. Consider it the price of convenience. Of course if you want to splurge then the 47 Labs input chooser is the one to get: http://www.sakurasystems.com/products/47selector.htmlA cool $850. |
So if he doesn't like Fets or Mosfets the input stage to the Samson must be bi-polar, it is not tube as it's all solid state. This means the Lightspeed Attenuator is maybe not giving 100% of it's self, if the Samson is bi-polar input they (poweramps with bi-polar inputs) are usually below 30kohms input impedance. We have found in listening tests with many "golden ears" that the Lightspeed Attenuator just starts to compress the dynamics slightly at 33kohms, 47kohms was fine, indistinguishable right up to 200kohms. Cheers George |
I can't say for sure about the Samson, but my TRL D-225 which was the predecessor and stereo version of the monoblocks used bipolar transistors. Paul Weitzel told me he does not like FETs or MOSFETs. I do believe what Knghifi has reported is accurate with the specs TRL provides on the amps. |
When I wrote "warm up use time" I meant actually used to play music. My LSA is already always plugged in and at half position (per instructions), but I've noticed that irrespective of that, my vinyl always sounds better on the second side (and beyond). I've tested this by playing the first side over again--always sounds better the second time. It's not my phonostage (which is always on) or my amp which I switch on, without fail, at least an hour before use. To be clear, this is not a complaint but rather just an observation. The other belief, that the LSA is getting better over time, is also entrenched. I'm no true believer in burn-in time or whatever it's called, but I can't help but notice that the LSA keeps delivering more beautiful music with each passing week. I can't explain either phenomenon; I don't care to.
It may be friendlier than tubes, but one weakness of the LSA is its one input design. I understand and appreciate the argument that more inputs would be sonically compromising, but if I didn't primarily use my turntable, I would find constantly switching interconnects a serious pain. |
I wish I would check my spelling. Of course I meant to say "I think there would NOT be much debate about that" |
Since I asked the question in terms of absolutes (Best)I repeat what I said early on - it is silly to speak of any piece of gear that way, and there are obviously many (some?) world-class line stages out there some which you or may not prefer to the LSA - why there isn't only one product on the market afterall. I now wish I had names this, LSA, Best Sound per $$$ Ever? - I think there would be much debate about that. The only problem is I don't think it is fair to make reference to it simply in terms of value for $$$, it does it a disservice to couch it that way - it is simply a very, very fine linestage that will suprisingly compete, and for some, surpass, many highly regarded linestages regardless of cost. In other words, worth auditioning no matter what you circumstances, and a must audition if you have limeted funds. |
Your experience mirrors mine. If you look back in this thread, I originally posted that my Supratek bettered the LSA in my system during my initial trial period, which as I recall, was a rather short audition. I later gave the LSA another chance after reading how many mega-dollar preamps had fallen to the LSA.
I re-inserted the LSA into my system and left it there. Sure enough, I finally had to admit the LSA bettered my Supratek (which, by the way had been considerably improved with a DACT attenuator, V-Caps, better wiring, WE 350Bs, etc.)
In truth, the LSA was only very, very slightly better than my Supratek, but wow it is so much more user friendly without the hassle of tubes. |
Banquo363 As stated in the instructions, you can leave it powered 24/7 just leave the volume at half position when not playing music. If using battery supply this is not possible, but still you can plug in the wall wart and leave it on 24/7 and you can change over to the battery even while playing music just pull out the wall wart plug and insert the battery plug quickly, no bangs or crashes. Cheers George |
It would be good for someone to grab an ohm-meter and measure the input terminals (Amp off naturally). If it is bipolar transistor input you can bet you life it's going to be less than 47k. If it's fet transistor input there's a chance it's 47k, maybe higher. If there is no reading or wavering all over the place it has capacitor coupled input (yuck and double yuck) Cheers George |
Paul told me the TRL Samsons input impedance is 68kohms.
From my experiences with many Krells and Pass amps in the past using different tube preamps, there are NO impedance issues between the TRL Samson and LSA. |
I believe the TRL amps are over 47k ohms, somewhere in the 65k ohm range, maybe higher. |
Specs for TRL? Like asking Rolls Royce for horespower data and getting "sufficient" as a response. Just kidding, but their site offers very little information beyond price. |
My LSA keeps getting better with time (I've had it less than a month), so I'm withholding final judgment until later. Definitely needs warm up use time to sound its best (the second side of a record, and beyond, always sounds better than the first side played).
That said, it delivers beautiful sounds right now and no way I would sell it. And, yes, George is a standup guy who is very quick to answer questions and delivers as promised. |
Hi guys and Knghifi, glad your enjoying the Lightspeed Attenuator, you've put it up against a very expensive ($14,000) in the Vac Signature pre, I'm over the moon it held it's head up high against to it. One question Knghifi the poweramp TRL Samson you used for the comparison, it's a solid state amp and I have looked everywhere for it's input impedance and nowhere can I find it, as the Lightspeed Attenuator likes to see 47kohms or higher for the poweramp it's feeding. If the TRL is lower than this you have still not heard the Lightspeed at it's best, and heaven forbid it may beatout the VAC Signature if it sees an amp with the input at 47kohms or higher. Does anyone know the input impedance of the TRL Samson?
Cheers George |
Pubul57, now it's cold, just cleared 18" of snow and heating oil is up $1 a gallon since last refill, it's a good excuse to shop for a very hot and big mono tube amp again :-) |
12-28-10: Fiddler Knghifi,
Question. Are you listening to the LSA with new RCA IC's? Fiddler (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Both RCA ICs are dealer demos and I've logged ~250+ additional hours on them so are fully broken in. |
Question. Are you listening to the LSA with new RCA IC's? |
give it at least a week. It will open up more. |
Knghifi, glad you found the LSA a good listen. There is something that a good tube preamp does that is very enjoyable indeed, and the VACs being some of the finest. I went back and forth quite a while with my Joule 150 Signature Edition (which is supberb)but for my taste, I enjoyed the LSA every bit as much, so for the price difference I could not justify keeping the Joule, given that I have the Atma-sphere combo for cooler months. The LSA/RM10 I will use in the hot and humid Baltimore summers. I guess what I'll say for now, is that the LSA/RM10 combo is a killer pre/amp combo for less than $2,500 where 35 watts is enough power. If I were an audiophile on a limited budget it would be my number one choice, and with the right speakers maybe where budget is no limit too. |
RCA ICs finally arrived and here's my .02. LSA is a very good match for my system. For most of my listening, the volume control is between 8 and 9 o'clock and 11 max.
My 2 sources are MW Transporter rolling 6sn7 and TRL Sony SACD player, EW Andra II speakers, TRL Samson mono amps and all ASI Liveline cables with several TRL power cables.
I find the LSA very transparent and detailed where complex and poorly recorded compress passages are easily deciphered. Excellent bass, big sound stage, extended highs and surprising excellent dynamics that plaque many passives.
Compare to my VAC Signature MKIIa preamp, in MY system, I find the VAC is in another league. Not 30x better but SUBSTANTIALLY better in every way. I CANNOT imagine selling it for the LSA in terms of sonics.
The boundaries around images are better defined and more separation from each other. Images and sound stage are much more 3D, layered and textured (I guess the magic of the Telefunkens), there is a sparkle to the sound, better dynamics where everything sounds tighter, airier and faster ... LSA sounds soft and 2D in comparison.
Probably not unexpected, I much prefer the Transporter than the TRL Sony with the LSA having some tubes in the chain. With the LSA, I prefer rolling the sweeter sounding Sylvania 6sn7GT "Bad Boy" and Shuguang BT CV181-Z with the VAC.
Bottom line, LSA is an excellent preamp regardless of price. I could easily live with it as my only preamp as long as I don't play the VAC back to back :-). I was looking for a cool running SS preamp for the hot and humid summer months and the LSA will fit the bill nicely with only a little sacrifice. |
Kevin, I can't imagine you would not prefer the LSA over the passive built into the Aero, but of course you won't be listening to the Aero transport/dac either. Knghifi, we await your full assessment when you have had some time....hope you are not dissapointed. |
It's nice to deal with someone with a HONEST and accurate estimate. No BS why estimates are constantly revised ... blab blab blab LOL...*wink* *wink* |
Pubul57 - I used to have an Audio Aero Capitole MKII SE CDplayer with built in preamp connected directly to my amp. I had to sell it to buy a new transmission for the car (ugh!!) so will be using a old Sony CD player with the Lightspeed until funds will allow an Mac Mini computer to act as source that'll be connected to a Pro DAC which will feed the amp. |
Mine was delivered today. Transit time was 15 days to USA. George shipped within 2 weeks as promised after placing my order. It's nice to deal with someone with a HONEST and accurate estimate. No BS why estimates are constantly revised ... blab blab blab
I bought it out of curiousity and also been looking for a non tube preamp for the summer that is good enough that I will enjoy. Initial impression is VERY VERY positive. |
Kevin, what preamp will the LS be replacing or compared to? The Art Audio doesn't have volume control, does it? |
I've bought George's Lightspeed and am (im)patiently awaiting him to build it and ship it half-way around the world to the frozen Canadian tundra. Build George, build . . . It'll be connected to an Art Audio PX25 SET amp driving 97dB efficient speakers - hope it sounds as good as others claim. |
11-02-10: Pubul57 >But there is no output impedance optimization based on dial position 10-12-2 o'clock - is that right? Some attentuators seem to have optimal positions in that sense.<
Anywhere between minimum and 3-o'clock is good if i/o impedances are met. If it's after three o'clock for normal level listening in a system then (cdp/amp)has a gain shortage, or ridiculously inefficient speakers (80db or so). I have a friend that has JBL4350's and Array 1400's and his 80watt Transcendent OTL monoblocks just have enough power driving the 4350's full range but the bass is seriously lacking, but they do sound good on just the upper bass, mids and tops. As for the 1400 Array's they can't even drive the mids and tops on those let alone the bass as well. Cheers George |
But there is no output impedance optimization based on dial position 10-12-2 o'clock - is that right? Some attentuators seem to have optimal positions in that sense. |
Sorry forgot the other part of your question, as for the position of your Lightspeed control, that's fine it's a good place to be, at around 2o'clock it really starts to increase/rampup the gain rapidly, so you have oodles of gain left.
Cheers George |
You may find that the OTL's are getting loaded down some by the speakers and dropping their output requiring more push from the Lightspeed/CDP. The sensitivity of the OTL was probably judged/measured with an unloaded outputs.
Cheers George |
The extra power is certainly a consideration in easy to drive speakers. However, the other benefits of light loading should be considered as well, namely lower distortion and increased linearity and head room. If your speakers can handle the loss in power, roughly 7 or 8 watts, in exchange for the increased head room why not try it.
FWIW, I was listening late last night with the speaker cables connected to the 4 ohm tap. I didn't notice any loss of slam or dynamics and I was listening at considerably lower volume. Maybe I'm mistaken but wouldn't that be an effect of increased head room?
This combo is certainly very special. I wouldn't let the single input/output stop you from running it with multiple sources either. I have no problem swapping cables between digital and my three analog sources.
Question for George: In comparison to my Atma-Sphere amp which is less sensitive and has less gain the RM-10 doesn't require me to use as much of the volume control. I seldom get past 12 o'clock and most CDs come in around 10 - 11 o'clock for normal listening. Any potential sonic issues one should be aware of. I would think not base on what I'm hearing but thought I'd ask anyway. |
That's what it sounded like to me. It seems that light loading is effective at dealing with speakers that have hard loads for tube amp and it improves the situation - with the Merlins and Audiokinesis Jazz I suspect the extra power of the 8 ohm tap is the better option.
To get back to the subject, I would strongly recommend that all Music Reference RM9 and 10 owners try the LSA if they have a single source setup (actually any tube amp owner with sensitive 1v amps and 100 kohm input impedance). Is it just a coincidence that 3 of the LSA users also have a Music Reference RM10? Or is it just a match made in heaven for $2,500 MSRP? |
Just looked at the Merlin VMS impedance graph (Stereophile), at it shows it only drops (over a very narrow band)to a minimum of 6 ohms at around 170hz at 0 phase angle. This is an easy to drive speaker and should be driven off the 8ohm tap. Buy driving of the 4ohm tap all you achieve is loss of power from the amp, vitually no gains whatsoever.
Cheers George |