The extra power is certainly a consideration in easy to drive speakers. However, the other benefits of light loading should be considered as well, namely lower distortion and increased linearity and head room. If your speakers can handle the loss in power, roughly 7 or 8 watts, in exchange for the increased head room why not try it.
FWIW, I was listening late last night with the speaker cables connected to the 4 ohm tap. I didn't notice any loss of slam or dynamics and I was listening at considerably lower volume. Maybe I'm mistaken but wouldn't that be an effect of increased head room?
This combo is certainly very special. I wouldn't let the single input/output stop you from running it with multiple sources either. I have no problem swapping cables between digital and my three analog sources.
Question for George: In comparison to my Atma-Sphere amp which is less sensitive and has less gain the RM-10 doesn't require me to use as much of the volume control. I seldom get past 12 o'clock and most CDs come in around 10 - 11 o'clock for normal listening. Any potential sonic issues one should be aware of. I would think not base on what I'm hearing but thought I'd ask anyway.
FWIW, I was listening late last night with the speaker cables connected to the 4 ohm tap. I didn't notice any loss of slam or dynamics and I was listening at considerably lower volume. Maybe I'm mistaken but wouldn't that be an effect of increased head room?
This combo is certainly very special. I wouldn't let the single input/output stop you from running it with multiple sources either. I have no problem swapping cables between digital and my three analog sources.
Question for George: In comparison to my Atma-Sphere amp which is less sensitive and has less gain the RM-10 doesn't require me to use as much of the volume control. I seldom get past 12 o'clock and most CDs come in around 10 - 11 o'clock for normal listening. Any potential sonic issues one should be aware of. I would think not base on what I'm hearing but thought I'd ask anyway.