Limited soundstage between speakers

No matter what the source, the soundstage in my system remains within the width of the speakers. I read with envy of systems which extend the soundstage outside the speaker boundaries. Is this a problem with my speakers, amplification, room boundaries or something else?

What change should I make to improve the soundstage?

gyrodec/shelter 501/exposure 3010s2d/ spendorA6



See one of my first post above in this thread this recording of the Three penny  opera of Kurt weill amazingly well recorded...

When i listen to is see singers all around waliking, truning their head, the oechestra behind speakers and voices all around me outside speakers, and even beside and NEAR my ears and almost coming from my back....

Acoustic control of the room explain why my room is able to translate the recording cues in my room environment...

Maghister, please give example recordings where the soundscape extends well beyond the loudspeakers.  Thank you very much in advance.

Mahler Symphony 6, Barbirolli/New Philharmonia. Warner Classics 2021 remaster

Pink Floyd, Obscured by Clouds, "Mudmen." Sony Music

Beethoven Symphony no.6, Chailly/Gewandhaus Leipzig. Decca 2011

Pat Metheny, Watercolors, title track. ECM 1977 original mastering


Playback is Qobuz through Node2i. Soundstage is wide and deep, well beyond the speakers.

These are different genres. I don’t have the tweaks that @mahgister uses. I use balanced power conditioning, component isolation, with equilateral triangle speaker setup and room treatments.

Nobody need the same exact "tweaks" nor gear, nor exact room treatment or room control..

But everybody need minimal room acoustic and vibrations control and a lower electrical noise floor ..

it seems you have it with your own room /system...

If your sound is not confined in between the speakers axis only and if the instrument timbre and imaging is good...Congratulations!

These are different genres. I don’t have the tweaks that @mahgister uses. I use balanced power conditioning, component isolation, with equilateral triangle speaker setup and room treatments.


I do believe in tweaks. Most are supported by scientific principles, but there are a few out there that improve sound quality but defy explanation as to how. So, I never criticize a person who uses a tweak that I don't understand. It's their system, so go ahead and enjoy it.

It took years to get my modest system to sound right. Realistic tonal qualities are what I'm hearing. My goal is to reproduce the recording as accurately as possible. And yeah, often the source has been manipulated, ie, enhanced soundstaging, but that's what the engineer has given us.

If this album soundscape is only  in between your speakers common  plane, and dont fill the room with the organ near your listening position outside of the speaker completely and the drum behind the speakers with the sax in front of the speaker, your speaker room relation is not well controlled...

one of my favorite guitarist...