Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225

I am currently changing things up my system. I am looking to purchase a tube amp and have narrowed down quite a bit. I am unsure however, whether it would be more wise to go with a SET design or a push-pull design. The two amps in particular that I have in mind are either a Line Magnetic 210ia or 219ia SET 845/300B amplifier, or a vintage mc225 push pull amp with 7591 tubes of course. I waved the idea of a primaluna around but am pretty set on the two amps I’ve mentioned.. More will be familiar with the mc225 than will be with the line magnetic, but they get stupendous reviews and feedback, placing them as some of the best out there, next to shindo etc., in the tube amp world. The 225 obviously has its cult following as well, and is renowned and said by many to be maybe the best Mac amp of all time. (doesn’t matter)... anyway..

I am predominantly a record listener, but also listen to some digital and CD. My source pieces consist of a VPI Classic 2 turntable with a Soundsmith Zephyr 2 cartridge, an OPPO 105, and a Marantz 7701 preamp/ phono stage.

I have sold my previous speakers, and will be picking up a pair of 60’s vertical cornwalls this week. 102db obviously means that i do not have to consider wattage as a factor at all. I listen at low to moderate levels generally. Even 2 watts will have the cornwalls blaring. At this point the consideration is quality of wattage and current. The current will be responsible on the power to drive the 15" bass drivers in the cornwalls way more so than the wattage. The line magnetic SET amps will have no issues driving my speakers as they have large quality made transformers and move tons of current.

Here is the thing. I listen to jazz, classical cello and bass arco works, etc etc. I like soft rock as well. I also listen to very aggressive forms of rock. Hardcore, metal, thrash/speed metal, power violence, sludge, crust punk, etc etc. Those familiar, know what i mean. I am unsure on whether to go with a SET amp or PUSH PULL. Will one suit me better, or does it not necessarily matter, and either should do just fine? I know that the mc225 is known for being tubey, however natural, tight low end etc. The 219ia is known for being extremely transparent, refined, with a bold tight low end, beautiful 300B midrange, etc. Read Steve Huff’s review of this amp if you are unfamiliar. He calls it just about the best amp he has ever heard..... However will it does for the heavier stuff i listen to? This music is listened to on LP form more than less, and is recorded well and many are analog recordings.

Any input by those familiar with these two amps OR with push pull/SET amp comparisons in their own setups, please chime it with advice. I do appreciate it!

I believe that there are numerous paths towards  developing a truly satisfying audio system. I don’t doubt that a well restored vintage McIntosh tube amplifier is a good example. SET amplifiers  by default have really simple circuits and fewer parts. This minimalist design if implemented to a high standard is going to result in a high degree of musical purity. jkull is hearing what he does in large part  for this specific reason.

In an ideal world it’d be rewarding to directly compare the LM 219ia and McIntosh MC 225.
Glad you are enjoying the LM219IA; I have been thoroughly enjoying the LM518IA for the last 11 months; it was my initial foray into a SET. amp (speakers are Daedalus Argos V2s).  I originally swapped in NOS GE 12AX7s, but found that I like the sound better with the lower gain NOS Tungsol 5751s.  Early on I also swapped in a NOS Mullard 5AR4 rectifier  and NOS GE 6L6GCs.

Happy listening.
Charles. Being the SET simple circuitry is a large factor in this magnificent sound, I am thinking why not stick with a true SET design phono like the decware zp3.. otherwise there is the bottlehead Eros with 50db of gain ..
Further question-

I have been advised to try all of the impedance taps, 4, 8, and 16 ohm with my cornwalls. The cornwalls are rated at 8ohms, so that is what I am wired to right now but should I really, and is it really perfectly fine to run the 16 and 4ohm taps as well?  

With valved guitar amps, you always match your amps with your cabs impedance, especially if tubed, or at least avoid running your head at a lower impedance than the cab.  Are thing different in this situation?  

Hi Jkull,

First, congratulations! Glad the amp and speakers have worked out so well.

It won’t hurt anything to try the 4 ohm and 16 ohm taps. And it seems to me to be worth trying, as I suggested earlier. Given especially that the speaker’s impedance deviates widely over the frequency range from its nominal 8 ohm rating, assuming its impedance characteristics are reasonably similar to those of the later version of the Cornwall II. The reference I provided earlier indicated an impedance for the later version ranging from around 5 or 6 ohms in much of the bass and mid-bass regions, to more than 20 ohms throughout most of the upper mid-range/lower treble regions, and to as much as 75 ohms in parts of that region.

Regarding your phono stage candidates, I see no technical issues that would arise using the Decware with the 219ia and your Soundsmith Zephyr MkII cartridge. With the Bottlehead I would be a bit concerned about its very high output impedance of 4000 ohms. That would be reasonable in relation to the input impedance of the 219ia, but would make its sonic performance more cable sensitive than usual, on the output side. And I note that its website description states that on its outputs "interconnect cables of 1 meter or less are recommended." Although you could probably get away with a longer length than that if you were to choose a cable having particularly low capacitance (e.g., less than say 20 pf/foot).

Enjoy! Regards,
-- Al