Linear Power Supply and Roon Nucleus/SGC

I've been running Roon on a SGC sonicTransporter (cheaper Nucleus alternative) and so far so good. I think my prior digital source (the much maligned Naim Core) had materially better sound quality, but it's a tradeoff I was and still am willing to make in the service of all the great music I can more easily discover and stream via Roon and Qobuz.

I've heard reports of improved sound quality once a good linear power supply is added to the Nucleus/sonicTransporter. I've been considering either the Small Green Computer offering, an Sbooster or--what I suspect is objectively the best but possibly overkill here--a Fahad Super3.

(1) I'm already running the sonicTransporter on a separate power outlet from my hifi proper. My rudimentary understanding is that linear power supplies improve digital sound quality by reducing "noise" that can infiltrate other hifi pieces. Do I get some or any benefit from an LPS, then, if my "hifi"(amplifier, DAC, etc.) isn't "mixing" with the sonicTransporter on the same power outlet? Already using an AQ Niagara 1200 on the traditional hifi stuff, to good effect.

(2) If the answer to (1) is yes, or even yes but....does anyone have comparative experience with the SGC, the sbooster and/or the Fahad LPS options. I'm gravitating towards the Fahad, but it's more expensive than the others, though there's probably less dealer markup going on. In short, what kind of sound quality difference could one reasonably expect here, based on the level of LPS used.

(3) I haven't messed around much with speaker or power cable upgrades. I just have quality "bang for the buck" things (e.g., entry/mid level DH Labs, Black Cat). So if I'm asking myself where to allocate funds, what makes a bigger positive difference. A good LPS, or say an upgraded power cord to my amp, vs. the stock power cord?


On (3), I should have added something like a Gigafoil and/or ENO ethernet filter. Somewhat similar in price point to a good power cable or LPS. Wondering what to prioritize...
I have an SGC also and after some hiccups (it stopped working after about 3 months, and had to send it back for repair), and I like it. I use it with the MicroRendu endpoint fed by the SGC, and use the SGC linear power supply for the MicroRendu. Not for the SGC though, so I will be interested to follow this and see if it yields an improvement.
Do you mean a Farad Super 3? I think you’ll get the most bang/$ with a Teddy Pardo.
My take.
Sorry no definitive answer for which way to go. The ENO is great but expensive. There might be some wire out there that outperforms an LPS. There might not. 
Ask your hairdresser.