LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?

I presently am using Sophia Electric 300B mesh-plates and find them to sound good in general.  I originally used the Sophia Royal Princess 300B's and really loved the sound, however in my experience, reliability was really poor and for the price, it wasn't any fun trying to get replacements.  I'm getting ready to order new 300B's however would like to know if any of you have had experience with their WE 300B or their flagship Elite Permaloy 300B.
Thanks... John
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@liquidsound, hopefully you have full recovery. Covid is real and needs to be taken seriously.
Recently discovered thread over at whats best forum mostly in regard to Psvane Acme series of tubes, some recent posts popping up about LinLai Elite series. http://https// 
This makes me leery about purchase of Psvane Acme 300B, even though I've never had an issue with various Psvane series of 845 tubes in two amps. Does this portend issues with LInLai as some Psvane engineers/principals moved from Psvane to LInLai? And its not just the Chinese tubes with issues, I've read plenty of durability issues with tubes from various countries/manufacturers. The EML XLS looks more and more like my 300B choice.
My consistent and long term observations of modern tube failures is extremely troubling. It seems the tube industry and amp industry are not settled on some set of standardization. Tube manufacturers blame amp manufacturers for running tubes too hard, exceeding maximum dissipation rates. But then I've seen voltage measurements that show amps with tube failures are running within safe dissipation voltages.
And then, why don't I recall seeing a single EML XLS 300B failure? I don't spend my hard earned money on the lottery, tubes seem much like lottery. I understand tube manufacturers not wanting to warranty their tubes for longer periods as no assurance all amp manufacturers design with proper dissipation specs, and/or possible amps going out of spec over time. But I would like to see tube manufacturers add a conditional period of warranty past standard warranty. If tube fails during conditional period, amp could be taken to agreed upon tech and measured for dissipation voltage, if within spec tube manufacturer honors warranty. In thread I linked to above, some Acme tubes are red plating when run within dissipation specs, Psvane claims this is normal. I find this highly problematic!
I have two WE300B tubes coming to try vs my Psvane ACME 300b tubes. I have tried Elrogs …Royal Princess and Psvane WE 300 B also.
I hope that the new production Western Electric 300b works out fine in your superb Chalice Audio PSET amplifiers.

Tube reliability is a real consideration. I was leaning toward buying the Lanlai Elite 101D. After a conversation with my Coincident Line stage builder (Israel Blume) I’ve changed my mind. He no longer sells the Lanlai due to consecutive failures/issues with 4 pairs that had to be returned.

I’m just going to get another pair of the Psvane W.E Replica 101D that served me well for about 6 years or so. The Lanlai Elite 101D could indeed sound sensational but I don’t feel the need to risk potential reliable problems. The W.E. Replica are more than good enough. The near bulletproof EML experience has  spoiled me.
@charles1dad , Yeah, Israel trashed my Linlai 101, he seemed to not know of them when I initially spoke to him, only added he doesn't like mesh plate tubes. He also told me my particular pair were bad, I had them tested on Amplitrex tester after getting back linestage from him, they were in fact not bad. Israel telling stories, likely including mine as failed pair. And yeah, I'd agree the Psvane WE are plenty good, Linlai is just another flavor, I go back and forth.

Power tubes for amps seem to be the vast majority of tube reliability issues. I've been running tube amps and preamps since around 2000, only tube failures I've experienced were KR845 and TJ Fullmusic 845 in Art Audio amp. Not worried so much about pre tubes or drivers in amps.

@liquidsound  Here's to a speedy recovery. And as Charles pointed out, hopefully no long haul problems.