Linn Classik Movie The Right Choice?

I've been researching different HT systems for a large (25x50) rec room with a 7ft ceiling. I keep coming back to the Linn because of its reputation and simplicity, but am concerned that it might not be enough power for this size room. I'll only be using half the room for the HT set up, but it's still all open space. My other choices at this time would probably be a Denon or Marantz receiver. Will the Classik Movie's 75 watts be enough or is it best for small room applications?

Showing 1 response by hepl

As much as I like Linn products, the Classik movie lacks the punch to do justice to a film soundtrack. I auditioned one, being lured by the Linn reputation and ease of use of a single box. The volume must be above 3/4 all the time,
Classik Movie lacks component video switching, Classik Movie-Di adds component video switching but the two of them lacks proggresive output. The room were I auditioned was about 14' x 12' x 9'.