lewm and your reply ref. rajugsw.
Reading back reminded me of an event on ‘looks or sound?’
Laskys we’re a London hi-fi store in the 1970s. They later opened stores across England in the 1980s. It was on a visit to one in Exeter l heard a few lads very excitably talking about a Marantz PM310 on display. I remember it like it was yesterday. The Amplifier was champagne in colour with led displays and really stood out from the crowd!
One of the guy’s suddenly and enthusiastically shouted out, ‘’I would like to SEE that one working!’’ Obviously this amplifier with added ‘bling’ was more of a consideration looks wise than sound wise! Not the normal ‘old way’ to audition a nice, but not too expensive piece of kit.
It all sounded wrong to me and totally illogical !
l had a quiet chuckle to myself and thought, how times were changing.