
Responses from awise1961

Great vintage MM cartridge for my Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck/Spacearm. Recommendations?
I've run several cartridges on my Nottingham Spacedeck over the years. Although not MM, for last ten years it has had my Koetsu RSP mounted on it, and I have no plans to change that out. For MM, as I recall, my favorite was a Clearaudio Maestro.  
Ypsilon DAC-100?
Thank you. I had looked into the Mola Mola, however it only has balanced outputs and my CJ GAT preamp utilizes single ended ins and outs. On my shortlist if the Ypsilon doesn’t get purchased is either a second hand Lampizator Posieden or an EMM L... 
Ypsilon DAC-100?
Well, I’ve confirmed that my Jackson tester has the ability to test local tubes. I can test for shorts but I will need to know what spec’s are for GM testing. I’ll give Brent Jesse a call next week and see what he has to say   
Ypsilon DAC-100?
Thank you all. Each of you has echoes precisely what has been going through my mind. oddiofyl; Yes, the C3G is indeed rare, but they are available, As an output stage tube, they should last a vey long time. I would buy a spare set to have on the... 
«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!»
I've changed my mind and have decided that I will take it all with me. When St. Peter hears the angelic music emitting from my tube system he will no doubt let me pass through the pearly gates. After all that I have been through and done in this l... 
How often do you upgrade turntable ?
inna,   I too have a Nottingham Spacedeck. On its Ace Anna arm I have had a Koetsu RSP affixed for many years now. I tend to use my Linn LP12 most of the time now, but on the occasion I do put the Nottingham on the TT shelf, it is and remains wo... 
I feel for you
carlsbad2 I think along the same lines as you do. I'm an executive in the Aerospace/Defence electronics industry which I have been employed in for over 40 years now. As an Engineering manager in the mid 80's, I went with a team of tech's to China... 
«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!»
I'll enjoy this hobby for as long as I'm alive and able to do so. What happens after that is of no concern to me.  
Used tube preamps, Cary, AR, Aesthetix, Wells...........or?
decooney I had initially changed out an Aestheix Atlas amp for a pair of CJ LP275M mono's. Each amp has eight of the ST120 power tubs and three 6922s. I felt they made my big Wilson Alexias soubd even better (deeper extension, more soundstage). I... 
Used tube preamps, Cary, AR, Aesthetix, Wells...........or?
Congratulations on the Aesthetic Calypso. I owned an Aesthetix Callisto Eclipse preamp and Rhea Signature phono stage for some years prior to changing over to an all Conrad Johnson system. For 6922 style tubes, I had preferred either late 60's Sie... 
Vinyl Lovers-- Cartridges!!!! Do you have a daily driver?
My daily driver is a Grado Aeon 3 mounted to an Ekos arm on my modern Linn LP12.   
Balanced vs RCA preamps
When I had an all Aesthetix system I used XLR cabling. Fast forward to current day and my complete Conrad Johnson system, as all CJ gear, is single ended. I have no issues with noise and the sound is fabulous. My cabling is all Audience Front Row.  
What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost?
My system has eclipsed just over the $165K threshold, and will be rising again shortly with a DAC/Streamer upgrade in the works. Has my system reached 90%, 95%, etc...? It seems more like the equation of y=1/X which never reaches zero. Y becomes a... 
Grimm MU2 Experience
All of these posts are most helpful to me. As a big proponent or separates, I am torn on doing so, or not, with my next Streamer/DAC. My current Streamer/DAC is a Cary Audio DMS-600 which sounds wonderful, but I want to explore more. I do not need... 
As I have aged (turning 64 soon), my adio hobby/passion has taken on a greater importance to me. Due to three knee surgeries, two joint replacements and a fusion in one foot, a rebuilt shoulder, and arthritis throughout, I no longer run, or play t...