Linn or VPI

Hi, My dilema is which new setup to purchase. The Linn with Lingo-Ekos+Linn cartridge or the VPI TNT with a Benz. Dealers have a preference to the product they sell. Both get great reviews but they seem to approach things differently.
Any input is much welcomed. I have Martin Logan's and Levinson amps and preamp.
Oracle Delphi V would be my only pick. Do some research on this ''s easy to set up, infinitely tweakable, and very easy to swap arms if you're so inclined. It's also drop dead gorgeous.
I've had both. It's not even close: the VPI crushes the LP12. Look at the new TNT HR-X.
The blunt problem is that Ivor Tiefenbrunn, owner of Linn, is utterly uninterested in the table and they have not kept pace with the astonishing improvements that have taken place in the past years.
I liked my old LP-12 so much that I got another one for my living room system. Now I have two. I don't know how the tables are "tweaky;" I've never tweaked or touched mine at all. I'm probably just naive, but what am I supposed to be watching for and tweaking from time to time? One of my Linns has the Akito arm, the other has the Ekos.
Just a different word: if you're thinking of spending $ in the TNT range, consider the SME 20, either with an SME V arm or with a Graham (I prefer the former combination). It has all the virtues and more of the TNT (rock solid stability, wonderful tracking, amazing bass clarity) in a footprint substantially smaller than the Aries. The Linn?--dated more than a decade ago.
Linn is wasted money. It never works properly, when you open the window, it will sound different ,it is coloured and totally overrated. Maybe it was not bad in the 80's but today, forget it.
I listened to maybe 10 different ones, all adjusted from socalled 'specialized' Dealers. 6 were crap, 2 just ok, and the next 2 listenable ( fully loaded ones ).
Typical average product, which was 'managed' with reviewer's '' help ''.
Based on the various options, it is a Dealer's Dream, the customer will return always for a 'upgrade'.
It is your money, listen to it, when you are able to listen, you hear it at once.
Just my opinion.