Hey Sevs , small world , I'm Volga German . My people came to Fresno in 1890. My great grandfather was illegal for 45 years , then he got his papers . I was brought up on Greek music, Spanish ( Mexico ) music , Frank and Dean , 60's folk music. My brother and I took piano . My brother continued on to guitar and drums . Our mainstay was English rock and SF rock . We learned piano playing Classical music . If you go back and look at SESAME STREET's history , it's bam bam bam . I also studied poetry as a youth and was taught to dislike music/lyrics the were overly repetitive and shallow . Music that flows , evokes emotion ( not shoot yo bitch ) , and lyrics that paint a detailed picture will last the test of time . I think Bob Dylan , Johnny Cash , Simon and Garfunkel for acoustic . Al Di Meola , Paco Delucia , John Mcglaughlin for classical guitar . Pink Floyd , Led Zepplin for rock . The Beatles to me are there own genre. As good as people like Usher and Bruno Mars are, as well as many females too , pop music is shallow and will be forgotten except when people want to relive their youth . When Lady Gaga sang the SOUND OF MUSIC for Julie Andrews , my jaw hit the floor WOW ! But it's the material that will make it last . How much Madonna did you play this week ? But the best thing is when I watch my children discover Dylan , The Doors , John Lee Hooker, Tom Petty just to name a few . I hope in all that blabbing I said something constructive . Best wishes to all , Mike.