Looking for a cd player that plays nice with classical orchestra.

Looking for a new cd player that loves classical- not analytical-leans towards "euphonic"[ whoops! did I say a bad word?] Vanalstine tube preamp,Vanalstine solid state[225++ per side} amp, Maggie 1.7i s. No streaming, no bluetooth.Thanks.

What's your budget? 
To appreciate all the characteristics involved in the writing and performing of orchestral music, then the mastering and reproduction, you may have to do some auditioning.

A separate DAC and transport may yield better results. As George stated, a R2R ladder DAC will have no trouble playing large-scale classical well.

My Bryston DAC3 gives me a mid concert hall experience, and the 4 HDMI inputs are nice because it can take the DSD feed from SACDs
HEGEL Mohican. HEGEL ceasing manufacture due to parts shortage. Reviewers love it and I find their comments appealing. One open box available.Should I go for it? Thanks.